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Coil building

8 wraps of 24g on a dual coil set up should give you around your 0.2 ohms.
5 wraps of 26, should give the same ohms reading, roughly.
Screenshot_2021-02-19-21-36-09-06_d9d5504d32a02bcbbd80ca4a55578505.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-19-21-35-52-80_d9d5504d32a02bcbbd80ca4a55578505.jpg
Hi and welcome :D

I've been using Ni80 Flapton wire from Flatwire UK, 6 Wraps comes out about 0.32-0.35 for a single coil, so about 0.15 ish for a dual coil. I really don't have the patience to make my own complex wire so spools of premade stuff is perfect for me.

The Flapton wire is basically just a flat wire core with round wire wrapped around it the same as a clapton wire.
Just a quick thank you to everyone who helped me on this thread, did my first build today and I think it went quite well. I used 26 gage clapton wire, 7 wraps at 2.5mm it came out . 27 between them and flavour good:)
Just a quick thank you to everyone who helped me on this thread, did my first build today and I think it went quite well. I used 26 gage clapton wire, 7 wraps at 2.5mm it came out . 27 between them and flavour good:)
Cool. Well done.
I'll be placing an order with you in the week.

100 coils by Tuesday ok?

Just a quick thank you to everyone who helped me on this thread, did my first build today and I think it went quite well. I used 26 gage clapton wire, 7 wraps at 2.5mm it came out . 27 between them and flavour good:)
I’d like to thank anyone who helped you aswell because I’m just about to start wrapping my own coils after buying prebuilt for over a year
:18: I need to learn to walk before I run
You'll be making your own clapton wire soon, saving a fortune & enjoying it.

Well done for taking the plunge.
Clapton wire can be quite springy at the gauge you're using, so try to keep the tension whilst wrapping them.

Good stuff.
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