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Coil material taste

Not a helpful response but possibly, it depends on people individually. Some don’t get on with ni80 for instance.

I’m not bothered by any of them but have noticed some coils I’ve bought have a taste for a little while at least.
Agree with onion above. Depends very much on the individual. You'll find fans of each wire type with some people swearing their favourite wire tastes "cleaner". I think some people are just more sensitive than others. Some people have a nickel intolerance which effects their use of Ni80. A lot of people swear by SS claiming it tastes "cleaner" or more "crisp" but it really does depend on you.
I can't use ni80, because it has a metallic taste (for me). Something like 'coffee with natural stevia'. I hate it.
I like Nichrome (Ni80/Ni90), kanthal and stainless wire seem to get very dirty quite quickly for me.
I didn't used to think so, but I swear I can taste Kanthal now.
I didn't used to think so, but I swear I can taste Kanthal now.
It might be in my head, but I think I may have some kind of sensitivity to it. I used the unity with some kanthal mesh the other day, had a sore throat all evening.
ss is the only one that i don’t get an unpleasant taste from for the first couple of tanks.
For rebuildables I use NI80 almost exclusively, more habit than anything, I don't like stainless, the flavour is too harsh, I still occasionally use kanthal for MTL applications. Never really noticed with stock coils, I'll use whatever, I only pay attention to the resistance of the coils.
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