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Coil material taste

I wonder if it's just a case of getting used to one type of wire?

I expect changing wire types all the time is the worst approach, if there is any taste difference or harshness or whatever, that's when you'll notice it.
I've gone back to using kanthal for mtl just because it ramps up slower than ni80 but switch between ni80 and stainless for dtl depending on whether I'm using TC or not.
I can't say I've noticed a taste difference that I would describe as metallic. Maybe it's the speeds and intensities that different wire types heat up the liquid that makes it taste different, rather than the flavour being tainted by different types of metal?
I do find the flavour seems enhanced with ni80 but I believe I’m nickel sensitive so I can’t use it. (‘causes me huge, painful mouth ulcers)

I’m having to be much more careful particularly with stock coils as a lot of them don’t state the material used and even when they do I have to think twice.... I had a tank that used ss904 and I thought I’d be fine, a week later I felt like I’d been using Ni80. Turns out ss904 has a high nickel content (22~28%).
I generally use Kanthal Coils all the time and recently wondered why one of my Favourite Liquids tasted a bit off or not as nice as it usually was, at first i thought it was the juice coming from a different batch or something like that. I realised later that i was using SS Coils that i had been kindly given by another Ape. I switched the Coils back to Kanthal and voila, the Juice was back to it's best again. The Flavour was ok with the SS but for me the Kanthal took it up a level. I haven't tried Nickel but might get some wire to build and try some.
I do find the flavour seems enhanced with ni80 but I believe I’m nickel sensitive so I can’t use it. (‘causes me huge, painful mouth ulcers)

I’m having to be much more careful particularly with stock coils as a lot of them don’t state the material used and even when they do I have to think twice.... I had a tank that used ss904 and I thought I’d be fine, a week later I felt like I’d been using Ni80. Turns out ss904 has a high nickel content (22~28%).

Interesting , stainless steel looks to be the safer choice for TC but perhaps a little bit flavourless compared to others Lordodin posted above

Would there be any other wire I could use thats safe for VW & TC?
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I can't say I've noticed a taste difference that I would describe as metallic.

the taste i get, especially from ni80, isn’t metallic. it’s like a burning damp, moldy sock. i think some people believe this taste is caused by the cotton. i can understand why. but it’s definitely the wire for me because i don’t get it at all with the stainless.
@littleclouds and @LordOdin

for the commonly used wires:

Ss316 or ss316L are both suitable for wattage and TC modes. They have a relatively low nickel content (approx 10~12%) so use with caution if you’re nickel sensative. Other stainless steel alloy wires are available, use google to find the % of other metals used and base your choices on suitability/risk based on that) eg ss904 seems to have become popular in stock coil mesh tanks and has a relatively high nickel content (up to 28%)

KA1 (kanthal or FeCrAl - iron/chromium/aluminium alloy) and Ni80 (nichrome 80, a nickel and chromium alloy) are both wattage only. KA1 has no nickel and is fine for most people to use, whilst Ni80 is 80% nickel And therefore unsuitable if you’re nickel sensative.

Ni200 (nickel) and Ti (titanium) are both TC ONLY.
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Anybody tried ss304 and can this be used on a tc device on 316 setting or can 316l be used on 316 setting?
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