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Coil Spacing

Thinner wire heats up quicker but has more resistance. I tend to find .28mm is a good thickness to do quick firing 6 to 8 wrap coils and about 1.4ohms.

Sent from somewhere in cloudy Kent
14 wraps!! bet that takes forever to heat up on .3 that should give 2 ohms how its giving you 0.6ohms is beyond me?! ...

!.6/7 Ω's

Dry burning takes about 2 seconds to glow red hot.

Wrapped around a pink blunt syringe needle which is about 1.2mm btw

Ah I got one of those, I usually use a precision screwdriver but will try that

I'm gonna order some 28 today Seedy any other sizes I should get?

Not really getting on with the ribbon
Ah I got one of those, I usually use a precision screwdriver but will try that

I'm gonna order some 28 today Seedy any other sizes I should get?

Not really getting on with the ribbon

I've got .32 as well but tend to use .28 most as it just fires up quicker.

Sent from somewhere in cloudy Kent
used some .28 at 6 wraps and vaped well Thanks Seedy Only problem now is my batt is only lasting 5 mins on my hammer

any ideas?
This may be off-topic... but it's taken me a while to get things right, for me. I struggled to understand sizes, coils, spacing, widths... and now can manage to get 1.3 or above for the VV/VW and under for the unregulated mods if I want. I haven't chucked a coil in a while.

I have an odd combination going at the moment... a recoiled/rewicked Protank I... 3 wrap tight microcoil .28 kanthal coming in at 1.3ohms and short cotton yarn wick on a Hammer mod with an 18650 and filled with home-brewed absinthe at 54mg... and you can tell from my expression what nirvana is :D
This may be off-topic... but it's taken me a while to get things right, for me. I struggled to understand sizes, coils, spacing, widths... and now can manage to get 1.3 or above for the VV/VW and under for the unregulated mods if I want. I haven't chucked a coil in a while.

I have an odd combination going at the moment... a recoiled/rewicked Protank I... 3 wrap tight microcoil .28 kanthal coming in at 1.3ohms and short cotton yarn wick on a Hammer mod with an 18650 and filled with home-brewed absinthe at 54mg... and you can tell from my expression what nirvana is :D

54mg are you insane lol, might try a lower res in my protanks on the hammer
This may be off-topic... but it's taken me a while to get things right, for me. I struggled to understand sizes, coils, spacing, widths... and now can manage to get 1.3 or above for the VV/VW and under for the unregulated mods if I want. I haven't chucked a coil in a while.

I have an odd combination going at the moment... a recoiled/rewicked Protank I... 3 wrap tight microcoil .28 kanthal coming in at 1.3ohms and short cotton yarn wick on a Hammer mod with an 18650 and filled with home-brewed absinthe at 54mg... and you can tell from my expression what nirvana is :D

God damn. 54mg! That's strong!

Sent from somewhere in cloudy Kent
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