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Coils Coils and Coils

Ok so haven’t been on here for sometime, Shame on me lol.
Updated my equipment I’m now vaping on a vandyvape pulse 2 which I’m loving. Been a good few months now and I’m enjoying using it. Have use my dead rabbit RDA on it and was good. Asked around to find out about mesh RDAs and was told they are a waste of time and effort alway dry hitting etc. But thankfully I ignored this information a went on a search to find out myself. I purchased a wofo profile mesh RDA.
OMG it amazing it has a spring loaded plate that continuously puts upwards pressure on the cotton. So it is always in contact with the coil / mesh. The juice also hits the cotton straight from underneath, drenching it. Only 1 dry it andthat was due to me being to keen and forgetting to pump the juice up lmao. 2 nd mesh in A1 after 3 months of use. Highly recommend people. Also the clamp mechanism let’s you use standard coils as well. Will post some pics ASAP. Please go have a look for yourself if you haven’t used a mesh RDA.
Glad your enjoying the Profile. Was lucky to get mine prerelease & enjoy it so much I now have 3 :D. Plenty of chat/advice in the Wotofo section & review section.
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