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Concentrate lists & recipes


Sep 15, 2014
Hi everyone. I've looked but can't find and answer. Infact maybe a really stupid question.

I have lots of concentrates to make my diy but always seem to find recipes than am missing a few of. Is the a page anywhere or app that I can keep a track of what I have and possible different diy recipes that can be made from what I've got.

Hope that makes sense lol. [emoji41][emoji15][emoji100]
e-Liquid Calculator

whilst I know what you mean, there isn't such a solution to the best of my knowledge. the best I can come up with is this and with some canny use of the search facility you can narrow it down but you do need have a rough idea of what flavours go with what to get the best out of it. hope that makes sense, best thing is to have a play and see if you yield anything useful :)
Could always make a post listing what you -do- have, and ask for recipe suggestions using them :)
Do you mean recipe mega thread? Search for that on the forum, can't link you as I'm on a mobile.
As someone who is never happy - someday I fancy a bit more of this or that so I mix my flavours separately 70-100ml at a time and then blend to my taste. You could take this approach to blend a flavour that will be your ADL but it gives you some flexibility too
As someone who is never happy - someday I fancy a bit more of this or that so I mix my flavours separately 70-100ml at a time and then blend to my taste. You could take this approach to blend a flavour that will be your ADL but it gives you some flexibility too

Sorry to seem stupid but do you mean like make a diy juice and then add extra concentrate later to hit my exact taste am looking for ? Like so many ml or drop added later ?
Concentrate lists & recipes

Malc16 I make single flavour juice at the same concentrations (pg/vg/nic) and then use them to tweek what I vape - just adding from a larger batch. I,vie been DIYing for a couple of years and this works for me. Some I don't like but it give you the chance to no abort a batch. Also ifs it's completely crap you can add menthol [emoji13]
Edit - I make single flavour mixes and then combine them at a later date. I use small Kilner jars as are easy to sanitise
The link has alrdy been given http://e-liquid-recipes.com/

But just to point out sign up to it and log in

1 goto Resources and flavour list search your flavour and find it and which one ie Cap FA etc goto its page and add to flavour stash

2 When youve added all your flavours to your stash

3 goto user flavour stash and all your flavours should be listed

4 click what can i make and it will list the recipes you can make :)
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