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The link has alrdy been given http://e-liquid-recipes.com/

But just to point out sign up to it and log in

1 goto Resources and flavour list search your flavour and find it and which one ie Cap FA etc goto its page and add to flavour stash

2 When youve added all your flavours to your stash

3 goto user flavour stash and all your flavours should be listed

4 click what can i make and it will list the recipes you can make :)

This website is all you will need - it's so useful.
This website is all you will need - it's so useful.

Thanks for the info. Started to mix up some juice and so far going good.

Maybe a silly question but some recipes I've seen ask for tart & sour. I have looked around and can't find this. Any suggestions where I can get it ? Or am I just being stupid. Tried googling and searching Potv and can't see anything
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