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Confused e-cigarette trade association supports e-cigarette regulation it opposes

I have been in contact with Pipeline over this and based on information I have informed them that I cannot in good conscience carry out a product review for them on their juices at this time.

It is a shame and not something I thought I would EVER have to do, but there it is, I suppose the moral of the story here is (in regard parent assoc`s) Beware of who you climb into bed with.
Sadly, I think what TVECA has done, has opened up a whole new world of speculation and vapers are going to be even more vigilant in trying to protect their right to choice.

It's such a nasty dirty trick and I am so disgusted by what the EU and the FDA are trying to do with a life saving product.

Sod em all, I got everything I need.
You know what I'm ashamed to admit, I just generally plodded through my life, without giving a toss about what Europe did.Yes I raised the odd interested eyebrow here and there but was always more interested in the stuff going on closer to home. However, becoming a vaper I have found myself engrossed in the fight against article 18 , and its passage through the EU has completley blown my mind.
The level of corruption, behind the scenes deals, the slime encrusted twisted fingers of tobacco and pharma companies, that are able being to access all areas and bend them to its will is beyond belief (counteracted by impressive folk standing up and fighting for what is right).

I am left with just staring around me and thinking WTF? I genuinely feel like I can't believe 90% of what I see on the news or read in the press anymore ( mind you never did believe the rags anyway).
i just feel a real loss for my previous naivety and occasionally wish it would come back.
Getting paranoid. It's cold out here :(.
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