I have only been aware of what the EU is up to for 2 days and I can't describe the feelings of anger and despair I have that their unjustified actions could result in me going back to smoking tobacco or buying from a black market.
I have spent the last 2 days reading about the TPD, Article 18 and many arguments for and against. I can't believe the many positives of vaping are so unfairly out-weighed by the maybe's, scaremongering and the interests of the pharmaceutical and tobacco industries.
Why wasn't I aware of all this before 2 days ago?
As has already been said in this thread, there is so much junk on a page that many of us visually ignore anything that looks like an ad, ignore sigs and logos and just flick down the page to the item we want to see. I'm not even sure what actually brought it to my attention !!!
The welcome to POTV I got on 12th Feb had no mention of EFVI - why not?
This forum needs to send another email to members asking them to sign the initiative. If each member got 6 friends to sign it would be enough. Many here will be members of other forums that have off-topic sections and other European members who can spread the word. Everybody knows someone who could benefit from vaping rather than smoking.
Sorry if this has all been said before, but we must do more if we want to keep vaping.