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EFVI - European Free Vaping Initiative - Sign it!

Just about sums it up for most pez, Been hearing a lot of similar.
As for KulrMeStoopid 's statement (for want of a better phrase) Yes they have got a team ready to go, for THEM, which will also affect US.
And it's that very same team that's waiting for the EFVI so they can get going. Or for one of their members to fall foul of the idiotic rules, when they come into force.
Trust me I am very aware of the fact it will affect us and while I love everything Katherine has done to help protect us (because she is a fucking vaping goddess!) I am not deluded to the fact that ECITA's first and foremost priority is to protect themselves, then us. They ARE a trade association after all.

I am confident they will prevent medical regulations but am not confident we will get much more or less than what the EU has "given" or taken away as it is. Only time will tell on that one.

And I am disappointed that one of their members was so blasé about the situation.
the problem with VIP is they jus give out franchises to any random wank that has a bit of cash and doesnt really have a clue whats going on
APOLAGISES for that KulrMeStoopid , I tried my hardest not to let it come across as it obviously did. I do know, that you know, more about it than me. And I also know that, you know, I know, that you know.
But others don't know or don't care as has been pointed out.

I could quite happily sit back with the "I'm alright jack" type of attitude, but that's not me. I would like all those coming, and going to come, to e-cigs to enjoy what we are enjoying now.
But with the attitude of so many, it's like flogging a dead horse. And those that are trying, tend to start giving it up as a bad job.
APOLAGISES for that @KulrMeStoopid , I tried my hardest not to let it come across as it obviously did. I do know, that you know, more about it than me. And I also know that, you know, I know, that you know.
But others don't know or don't care as has been pointed out.

I could quite happily sit back with the "I'm alright jack" type of attitude, but that's not me. I would like all those coming, and going to come, to e-cigs to enjoy what we are enjoying now.
But with the attitude of so many, it's like flogging a dead horse. And those that are trying, tend to start giving it up as a bad job.

Ummm... Ok? lol :P
BUMP , its not looking good im telling everyone i know about it and i get a lotta shrugs, me thinks vaping will be an underground thing if we dont get off our a$$e$ and do whatever we can and nowwww
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