It's not just us the users that need to sign.
Brothers, sisters, mum dad, everyone you know and those you don't know. Also have a stake in this, and need to sign.
The faster the target is reached the sooner they can act.
If you have not watched it, please do.
Vendors have contact with 95% of all UK users between them. And need to push this. It's your profits that will get hit.
B&M vendors, turn your laptop round on your counter, open up the sign page, and get all your customers to sign it before you give them their change.
Those without B&M stores. A piece of A5 in every order, with a simple sign it or lose it message, won't cost a lot. A bit more work perhaps.
But none of you will get wealthy if you do nothing.
Doing nothing will be a sign of "going out of business"