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Copying Naturevape Coils

If zapping is too tricky, Fasttech do bundles of 50 NR-R-NR wires in various resistances for about $3.

At weekend I took old dual coil head from Aerotank Mega (using the Poor Vaper's Vice: two big pairs of pliers from Poundland), mounted single coil from FT, gave it a few pulses to burn off any oil, wicked with cotton, and re-assembled. I put it in brand new Aerotank Mini clone from FT ($9-odd) and got best (and noisiest) vape ever. Even better than my NV Midi. I don't suppose it will last, but what the hell.

Yeah, I've seen those Fasttech coils, I may order some even though I have FIFTY WIRES from Stealthvape :)

I don't know so much if zapping is tricky, I just didn't bother. Although I have to say my coils are not neatly touching like NV coils, seem to work fine though.

I learnt the hard way to pulse the coil before wicking! Tastes like cat's piss if you don't :(
Yeah, I've seen those Fasttech coils, I may order some even though I have FIFTY WIRES from Stealthvape :)

I don't know so much if zapping is tricky, I just didn't bother. Although I have to say my coils are not neatly touching like NV coils, seem to work fine though.

I learnt the hard way to pulse the coil before wicking! Tastes like cat's piss if you don't :(

Just after you pulse that coil squeeze it together with a fine pair of tweezers and you get neat coils...
I learnt the hard way to pulse the coil before wicking! Tastes like cat's piss if you don't :(

Ha ha, yes, took me a couple of times to realise that widely recommended premium e-juices didn't actually taste like high priced feline urine.

Update on my rebuilt head; it lasted for about 4ml, before the entire tank emptied through the bottom hole. Wasn't pretty. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.
Ha ha, yes, took me a couple of times to realise that widely recommended premium e-juices didn't actually taste like high priced feline urine.

Update on my rebuilt head; it lasted for about 4ml, before the entire tank emptied through the bottom hole. Wasn't pretty. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.

Did your coil pop or did you just need to replace the cotton?
before the entire tank emptied through the bottom hole.

I had a similar experience with my first use of the Aga T7 RBA.... I got quite angry.

That does sound like you might not have had enough wicking material to seal the head properly though.
Did your coil pop or did you just need to replace the cotton?

Ah, not sure yet, it's still sitting in the bathroom in disgrace, a sticky item covered in stickiness. E-liquid gets everywhere, doesn't it? Even this keyboard...

...aha, coil is intact, have re-wicked with a bit more cotton, given a going-over with Poundland's screen wipes - bingo! A wee bit less airy than last time but still very good!

I think a problem may have been I let the tank get too low. It was low and gurgling so I took it off, blew through the drip tip - and that emptied the entire contents into a hanky. Mostly.

It's tricky not to over-fill and not to run too low on the Aerotank Mini, the tank is small anyway and half invisible.

Thank you!
Ah, not sure yet, it's still sitting in the bathroom in disgrace, a sticky item covered in stickiness. E-liquid gets everywhere, doesn't it? Even this keyboard...

...aha, coil is intact, have re-wicked with a bit more cotton, given a going-over with Poundland's screen wipes - bingo! A wee bit less airy than last time but still very good!

I think a problem may have been I let the tank get too low. It was low and gurgling so I took it off, blew through the drip tip - and that emptied the entire contents into a hanky. Mostly.

It's tricky not to over-fill and not to run too low on the Aerotank Mini, the tank is small anyway and half invisible.

Thank you!

Hahahaha, yes, blowing through the drip tip can upset the vacuum and empty the bloody lot, especially when the tank is low. Don't ask me how I know lol. The funny thing is the amount of liquid is absolutely tiny, but it does go absolutely everywhere!
Hahahaha, yes, blowing through the drip tip can upset the vacuum and empty the bloody lot, especially when the tank is low. Don't ask me how I know lol. The funny thing is the amount of liquid is absolutely tiny, but it does go absolutely everywhere!

Heh heh yes!

My first experience with Big Fogger (I made mistake of going on Ebay after a night out and a few sherbets), I christened it with first try of Mrs Lord's Seville Marmalade (eight quid a bottle)... disaster!

At least with little tanks the loss is less!
Hahahaha, yes, blowing through the drip tip can upset the vacuum and empty the bloody lot, especially when the tank is low. Don't ask me how I know lol. The funny thing is the amount of liquid is absolutely tiny, but it does go absolutely everywhere!

Ummm the nv tank, i thought i was being clever and blew to get the excess liquid out the base. Was sitting in the car at the time. Ho hum :doh:
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