I would suggest that Boris gets out of his shagging pit a bit earlier in the day and get on the telly, before the others.
By standing by the UK government....do you mean the English government...... I have already explained to you that each devolved nation has responsibility for health and education...are you thick? hard of hearing?
Bit offensive isn't it, I honestly thought better of you.
But if you wish to be like that, fair enough.
This started off simply enough by saying that in this national crisis my opinion is that the various governments within the UK should present a unified leadership, rather than going off in their own directions, often with a hidden political agenda, rather than the best interests of the whole nation.
Now to your points.
I have not a clue as to what time Boris gets up in the morning, nor what he has been doing during the night, neither have you, unless you are now saying you are psychic ?
Of course Sturgeon would not have a similar problem as no one in their right mind would want to shag that pig ugly, fucking old trout.
Good that eh, Sturgeon ---- Trout, don't you think.
To use your own term "are you thick" there is no English government, the parliament in Westminster is the government of the United Kingdom Of England Ireland Scotland And Wales, which is why there are Scottish, Welsh, and Irish MP's sitting in the house of commons, get the idea ?
Yes health & education is devolved to the Scottish parliament, but with one important proviso you may, or may not know about,
"These developments do not fundamentally undermine the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, since, in theory at least, Parliament could repeal any of the laws implementing these changes."
Here is a link to the relevant information, as I dare say you will pronounce that I am wrong.
In other words, any of the devolved parliaments can be done away with, if the UK parliament wished to do so.
Did you hear that bit tartan cloth ears.