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Another of my hero's.

"All hail to the Ale"

Apart from you of course @Crewella you would be a "white wine for the lady"
BODMAS is the work of the devil, that's why I understand it. You know what it stands for right? Burn Or Destroy, Maim All Scientists. Not the devil's finest work but as an agent of his who does a lot of burning it makes sense.
I just assumed lots of things gave you a hissy fit.

I loved maths, stabbing people with a compass, working out areas of a pile of wood, the volume of liquids (especially accelerants), working out the optimal height a flame will go to ensure they burn to death slowly, what's not to like??

That's not good.... I notice Russia has a very low number of cases for it's population, which might seem surprising since it borders China.

But then I read this..

They closed the 2,600-mile Russian-Chinese border by January 30 and set up nearby quarantine zones to slow COVID-19.

... we had people coming in for weeks and weeks, even flying in from China. Do you think we should have effectively shut our borders completely right away?

If we had shut down borders as early as we knew about the virus (at least December 2019) that would have made a huge difference.

If we had locked down on March 12th instead of Boris dithering and waiting till March 23rd that would have made a huge difference.

If lockdown actually meant lockdown instead of a semi kind of lockdown - go to work if you can't work from home - type lockdown it would have made a huge difference.

Just to add most care homes across the UK were locking down around March 12th so obviously knew how this would pan out.
If we had shut down borders as early as we knew about the virus (at least December 2019) that would have made a huge difference.

If we had locked down on March 12th instead of Boris dithering and waiting till March 23rd that would have made a huge difference.

If lockdown actually meant lockdown instead of a semi kind of lockdown - go to work if you can't work from home - type lockdown it would have made a huge difference.

Just to add most care homes across the UK were locking down around March 12th so obviously knew how this would pan out.

In your statements you should not really use the word "would"
It should be "could", as neither yourself, nor anyone else has any way of knowing what the outcome of any of those situations may have been if your examples had occurred.
In your statements you should not really use the word "would"
It should be "could", as neither yourself, nor anyone else has any way of knowing what the outcome of any of those situations may have been if your examples had occurred.
Would is the correct choice of word.
Each infected person at the time was infecting a further three people so it is correct that preventing that from happening would have made a huge difference.
Would is the correct choice of word.
Each infected person at the time was infecting a further three people so it is correct that preventing that from happening would have made a huge difference.

Not at all, would confers a definite influence.
Your suggestions (for that is what they are) are simply your opinion on an outcome, which may happen, or not. :)
Not at all, would confers a definite influence.
Your suggestions (for that is what they are) are simply your opinion on an outcome, which may happen, or not. :)
Okay boss.

Just out of curiosity I'll pose a question to you.

When pouring boiling water on your hand it burns you so we say that its obvious that pouring boiling water on your hand would obviously burn you.

If i ask you Bez would pouring boiling water on your hand burn you i guess you would say based on your stance above that unless you actually do it you'll never know and that i should say may burn, might burn, could burn.......
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