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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

It still shows that it's nowhere near over it and it's been handled poorly. The daily numbers are already increasing again where we still get them.

They are, but as I said earlier in this thread, or another a Scientist (microbiologist) I know said to me the other day that face masks are only a scant preventative, and it could be years before a vaccine that is actually effective, with minimal side effects. Even then you have to provide it to 68 million people in a short time to stop the infection, and death rate.

As I said, my best advice to anyone is "stay lucky" maybe the government could use that as part of their advice. :)
They are, but as I said earlier in this thread, or another a Scientist (microbiologist) I know said to me the other day that face masks are only a scant preventative, and it could be years before a vaccine that is actually effective, with minimal side effects. Even then you have to provide it to 68 million people in a short time to stop the infection, and death rate.

As I said, my best advice to anyone is "stay lucky" maybe the government could use that as part of their advice. :)

Stay lucky, great advice.
It still shows that it's nowhere near over it and it's been handled poorly. The daily numbers are already increasing again where we still get them.

Yeah the public has handled it very poorly .. I agree. We have been given the correct advice, we ignored it and like true Brits we won't accept the blame.. we blame the government. Well as much as I am no fan of the government, for once this is all on us. Go to any beach .. go to any Bar.. or let's protest in a mob like tinned sardines.. Go to any of those and you will see more people breaking the advice given than there are people sticking to it.

We the people are responsible for our own actions, unfortunately, we have a large % of our population that are too thick or spoilt to either understand or give a f###. Now that is the problem.
Yeah the public has handled it very poorly .. I agree. We have been given the correct advice, we ignored it and like true Brits we won't accept the blame.. we blame the government. Well as much as I am no fan of the government, for once this is all on us. Go to any beach .. go to any Bar.. or let's protest in a mob like tinned sardines.. Go to any of those and you will see more people breaking the advice given than there are people sticking to it.

We the people are responsible for our own actions, unfortunately, we have a large % of our population that are too thick or spoilt to either understand or give a f###. Now that is the problem.

This is why i say we live in a chav nation. Too many especially the under 40's are the ones causing the second wave which isn't a second wave it's the first wave being spread by folks gathering. If folks want to put lives at risk then maybe we need the army on the streets to get rid of those people. Fact is there are folks with ilness's and disabilities that the virus will kill. By being ignorant to advice it is unfair and selfish.
Gov advice has been contadictory to itself so thats no help either. The Gov have handled it badly, when they could have put other measures in place that would give folks no reason to go out and thus after a few weeks would have we could have been frre of the virus.
There is no excuse to march together celebrate together etc all these events prove that those attending protests are liars because by marching together they are proving that no lives matter.
If you don't like the rules then tough shit. All those who break the rules would you knowingly sleep with someone who is HIV positive and use no condoms?. The truth is they would run a mile, corona virus is similar, if you knew someone had Covid would you kiss them knowing you would catch it. Both diseases are unseeable killers so why take any risks, this is how stupid people actually are they just do not care.
Luckily for me i am somewhere there is no cases but Theres an alert due to A party on Malta which was held over 3 days and it was mainly young people that went, there has been a large rise in infections since. Under 40's should be banned from leaving the house, if not the virus will continue to live. There is enough proof out there to prove this .
It still shows that it's nowhere near over it and it's been handled poorly. The daily numbers are already increasing again where we still get them.

People keep saying about a second wave, far as I am concerned that is crap, we have not got over the first wave yet.

Stay Lucky. :)
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Yeah the public has handled it very poorly .. I agree. We have been given the correct advice, we ignored it and like true Brits we won't accept the blame.. we blame the government.

Absolutely mate, everyone blames the government, things like "they have done this wrong" "they should have done this" etc, etc.
But how can you say, how can you judge when it is quite an unprecedented situation the government has been faced with.
Would Corbyn, Starmer. or Sturgeon have done any different in the same situation, I think not, in fact they would have probably fannied about much more.
Even the WHO pissed about for months before deciding that maybe it "could" help if face masks were worn..............................
The Gov have handled it badly, when they could have put other measures in place that would give folks no reason to go out and thus after a few weeks would have we could have been frre of the virus.

I agree with most of what you say mate, apart from the above part of your post.

We can try to contain, slow, lessen, and do our best to avoid the virus.
But, as a microbiologist I know who works for a pharma company said, we will only rid ourselves of the virus once an effective vaccine, with no dangerous side effects is produced, and the whole population has had it, will we be somewhat free of it, and that could take years.
Absolutely mate, everyone blames the government, things like "they have done this wrong" "they should have done this" etc, etc.
But how can you say, how can you judge when it is quite an unprecedented situation the government has been faced with.
Would Corbyn, Starmer. or Sturgeon have done any different in the same situation, I think not, in fact they would have probably fannied about much more.
Even the WHO pissed about for months before deciding that maybe it "could" help if face masks were worn..............................

You can say they've done things wrong when they have, to expect them to have got it 100% right would be ridiculous but some of the stuff they have done is just out and out lunacy. It's their job to be scrutinised and held accountable for what they have done. Sending people back to care homes who had been exposed to it without testing them and then Boris having the cheek to blame care homes for the situation, lying about their daily figures, changing how they do their daily figures when they get called out and then just basically stopping doing them. It's still going on, yet they decided they couldn't be arsed with the daily updates anymore so just stopped them. The list goes on but as much as I agree that this is caused by people not doing the right thing, it's the government's job to make sure they are, lead by example and make sure people know exactly what to do. So the people who have not done what they are supposed to includes the government too.
There is also a lot of people who believe that there is no virus and it's all a hoax. Personally i do not know anyone who has died from Covid, No one on the forum seems to have had it, i might be wrong with that, see plenty of posts from folks shielding or talking about protecting their elderly parents etc.
But as i said the lifespan of the virus appears to be around 3 weeks. After that its no longer transmitable. So a total lockdown for 4-6 weeks with the right things in place so people can eat, get help if disabled elderly etc. And have a police and army presence on the streets to pick up anyone who decides the rules don't apply to them.
It seems the Gov are more scared of people than they are of a mass pandemic. Why i say this is there was some sort of peaceful protest about some enviromental issue before covid. Boris called those protestors "a bunch of uncooperative crustys", based on how most of the protestors dressed etc. go forward to covid and the BLM marches Boris said fuck all, no condemnation, no name calling which proves to me If you are a wearing sportswear, or take part in following what the brainwashed do it's fine even if you do spread the virus and break the rules.
proves to me If you are a wearing sportswear, or take part in following what the brainwashed do it's fine even if you do spread the virus and break the rules.

Why are you obsessed with people who wear sportswear? Have you also forgotten about the Cheltenham racing festival, I don't think that was all chavs and people wearing sportswear?

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