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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

Trump should be fine, he has bleach around his eyes and his mouth is like a sphincter.
Lmao, that man is coated with orange colored deck sealant, and he never inhales, he just talks n talks and talks and talks

Edit: c'mon, their is clearly no oxygen getting to his brain. It does often sound like hes just farting out words too
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We're now upto 1,522 new cases in the last 24hrs.

Someone said it's because we're testing more each day now so don't suppose we could have a looksee at the testing figures as i don't know where to find them.
We're now upto 1,522 new cases in the last 24hrs.

Someone said it's because we're testing more each day now so don't suppose we could have a looksee at the testing figures as i don't know where to find them.
Its between 0.5 and 1.5% of people that are being tested that are testing positive in Scotland.
I'd like to see if the amount of people being tested correlates with the rising numbers of cases being recorded.
Aye, when they started giving the percentage of positive test I thought it would be good to get the total tested, total positive and the percentage.
Interesting - Worldometers hadn't updated the UK testing figures for a couple of days ............ but they have now.

ScreenHunter 441.png
So what does the 239,518 tests per 1,000,000 population represent?
Are we testing that much per day, per week, or is that the total tested so far?
Not very clear imo!
I think it's only really useful as a vague comparison with other countries? Total UK tested is (I believe) 16,273,209 and is the number of total tests so far and not people tested.
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