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Couple of questions guys...

Hi Nicki

Also from Glasgow, can be a bit daunting at the start of vaping, I tend to buy online but there are a few good vape shops in Glasgow. Which area are you in Glasgow ?, if you are near a Prime Vapour store they are worth checking out. At your stage of vaping I would go with something that has a good reputation, Aspire kits, E Stick with Zenith tank etc and develop from there. Good luck.
Thanks I will have a wee look for that shop online, I have the Innokin platform series and zenith tank
You should be able to tell if the shop is reputable by how much they talk to you to discuss your needs and if you ask for a sony battery and they try to sell you everfest, that would be a bad indication.
You might like to have 2 devices, one to use while one is charging or incase one breaks.
The wattage varies by each persons preference. 16w is good for M2L, while 60w is more D2L. Personally I am vaping 120-140w right now, prob 120 since i changed to a smaller drip tip. But I like a fairly warm vape.
Thank you for the reply the guy in the shop was fab, I had loads of questions, will look at buying another one when I get paid I think
Thanks I will have a wee look for that shop online, I have the Innokin platform series and zenith tank
I mainly squonk these days and it's been years since I did MTL but my son uses a few of the Zenith tanks and says it's very good, so I think you have got that part right.
Once you settle on a kit you like and suits you online shopping becomes easier as you know what you want etc. Aback up set up is a good idea.
Ahem, :22: that was actually three questions.
But welcome anyway.
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