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Creme Brulee by Nicoticket - 30ml 6mg

Jul 25, 2013
Creme Brulee by Nicoticket - 30ml 6mg

Thought I was into this, got to the end of a 15ml bottle, by the end of which I wasn't into it anymore, meanwhile I had this bottle on its way. Tried to get back into it but no joy.

£15 + £2 postage. (coz it's a wide bottle - bloody new royal mail price scheme)

When I was into it, it was the single finest flavour I'd ever had. Shame my taste is so fickle!
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pm me and then send payment (soon after I give you my paypay) if you could (people tend to not pay me for hours of late and I have to give it to someone else). Cheers :)
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