I may be ignorant here
Can the team of 20 that work a ventilater manage more than 1 at a time
or is it 20 for each one?
varies depends on the pct plus the policy of the hospital but one thing is certain you have to be assessed to go on one, so say you have covid your incubated and go in you have to live afterwards so if you have a poor chance of recovery you don't go in, if you have already had a DNR in place you don't go in. it will take months and months to walk, talk, feed yourself again, years to make a full recovery then PTSD and flashbacks, weight loss, bedsores, bone density loss, infection, job loss, on and on.
my dad was rushed into the hospital before he died at home at 92 he had a DNR on him straight away the family went nuts over it I said he has less than 3% of surviving CPR are you all mental it's not Holby city FFS they all thought it was "clear shock him again...ok we have him, a cup of tea anyone..."
edit I should say after rereading the above, sounds elitist that doctors are god that's not the case High flow oxygen is used more, plus drug therapy the popular press did the whole run out of the kit thing and "Gladis at 93 was refused a ventilator" they are used as a final aid, not you have a cough and are hooked up to one as soon as you walk in.
but quoting figures off google pack it in a, I don't care the age range or the figures on a shitty site or newspaper all I want is people to wash there fucking hands, stop tying to meet your mates or bend the rules and wear your face mask on your face.