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Decadent Vapours’ Response to MHRA announcement of 12th June

Jul 31, 2012
The MHRA’s announcement signifies little and changes nothing; it merely confirms that the decisions over the future regulations for the electronic cigarette industry will be made at EU level. As founding members of ECITA (EU) Ltd, Decadent Vapours will continue to support the ongoing work with the European Commission, Parliament and Council, to ensure that appropriate, proportionate and rational legislative decisions are made – in the best interests of public health. Clearly, this would not involve reclassifying electronic cigarettes as medicines. If the EU were to get it wrong, Decadent Vapours would join with all the other members of ECITA in funding a legal challenge. We have every confidence, however, that this will not be necessary. Through ECITA, we are aware that significant progress is being made as Members of the European Parliament inform themselves properly on all issues surrounding the extraordinary growth of this vibrant and innovative industry.
Decadent Vapours was founded in July 2009 by its Managing Director and owner, Peter Cole, with the aim of developing a premium, EU-sourced e-liquid and e-cigarette related sundries of the highest quality possible. It was very clear that the e-liquids he was creating were very popular with a growing number of smokers who had made the switch to vaping, often to avoid the thousands of harmful components - such as tar and carbon monoxide – found in tobacco cigarettes.

In order to meet this need with the highest possible quality controls, Mr Cole established a proper clean-room environment laboratory space, and sourced only the highest quality EU ingredients, including pharmaceutical grade diluents (glycols) and Nicotine, all of which are regularly checked to ensure that they comply with USP and EP specifications. The food-grade flavourings are sourced with the utmost care, including significant research into their suitability for inhalation. Indeed, Decadent Vapours was the first company to insist on no diacetyl or related ketones in their eliquid.

With his significant involvement as a founding member of ECITA, Peter Cole was instrumental in informing the batch requirements used with all ECITA members. Decadent Vapours has an exemplary batch control system, and with the regular testing of products, ensures accountable quality and accurate nicotine contents in every product manufactured. Our e-liquids are specifically formulated to be ultra-low in non-volatiles, thus ensuring that customers’ hardware will work better. Every product is supplied with extremely detailed, fully CHIP-compliant packaging and labelling including child-resistant bottles.

We have never advertised our products as a “quit smoking” aid; this is not what the product is designed for. Electronic cigarettes and e-liquid are simply an alternative choice for adult smokers. We, along with the vast majority of this unique industry, have voluntarily adopted an age restriction, preventing sales to minors. Through ECITA, we continue to call for a legally-mandated age restriction, to mirror the legal age for tobacco sales in each country.

At Decadent Vapours, we are committed to supplying the highest quality of product and best possible standard of service, whist operating in line with legal and best practice requirements in the areas of health, safety and environment. To ensure that we are able to continually improve our performance in these areas, we are currently working to the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards.

Over the years, Peter has grown his team of very loyal, hard working and efficient employees, whilst he and ECITA’s regular audits overlook the full manufacturing process. Being based in Peter’s home town, since he attended Swansea University many years ago, Decadent Vapours has brought much needed employment and economic growth to this recession-hit, post-industrial area.

Therefore, in relation to the MHRA’s announcement, for which we have all been waiting such a very long time, it is effectively a non-event. The MHRA has merely confirmed that it has no authority to make any decision with regard to its desire to reclassify electronic cigarettes as medicinal products, since the regulations for electronic cigarettes are currently being discussed by the European Parliament and Council, in the context of revisions to the Tobacco Products Directive. This process is ongoing, and no decisions are expected before the end of 2013. ECITA, along with various consumer groups and public health experts, continues to work with the European Government to ensure that appropriate and proportionate legislative proposals are forthcoming.

The reclassification of electronic cigarettes as medicines has no legal basis, and would be immoral, unethical and enormously damaging to public health and consumer protection. We are supported in this position by a number of well-respected public health experts. Clive Bates, for example,
a tobacco control advocate and former Director of Action on Smoking and Health UK, wrote:

"E-cigarettes are not medicines – it is poor policymaking to just hammer them into a regulatory framework designed for something else"

"Medicines regulation involves disproportionate costs, compliance burdens and restrictions – none ofwhich apply to cigarettes. So this is a good day for the cigarette makers, and their competition will be weakened. We need regulation to encourage these products to compete with cigarettes, not smother them with red tape."

Also, taken from ECITA’s press release:

"It recommends smokers use existing licensed nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gum. But this does not address the fact that these licensed products FAIL for over 95% of smokers trying to stop smoking. Also, it entirely overlooks the fact that there is already a non-medicinal product on the market that delivers recreational nicotine in a similar way and producing a similar effect: tobacco cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes allow users to satisfy their desire for recreational nicotine without the thousands of harmful chemicals produced by burning tobacco. This provides a lifeline to those who are unable to quit despite numerous failed attempts."

Professor Gerry Stimson, Emeritus Professor, and one of the founders of Harm Reduction, instrumental in the development and evaluation of Harm Reduction in the UK, said:

This is a regrettable day for public health and a missed opportunity for hastening an end to smoking related illness and death. Rather than over-regulation, we should be moving towards encouraging the use of electronic cigarettes and other NCP, rather than putting obstacles in the way of smokers. It is bad Public Health policy to make it harder to obtain safer products than tobacco cigarettes.

Decadent Vapours assures its customers that we will continue to fight against any reclassification of electronic cigarettes as medicinal products, or any regulatory proposal which would restrict your access to high quality products you want to use. With the help of this wonderful community of vapers out there, we shall continue to ensure that the policy-makers in Brussels know how important it is for them to make the right decisions, while continuing to manufacture and supply the excellent quality products you have come to expect from us. We should like to thank you all for your continued support of our business.


Could I ask that you publish the PG/VG ratios for your juices and consider offering the option to customers to make their own ratio? :)
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