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Did you go out today?

I will admit, hormones were a-raging, the isolation madness took hold, and I did get a little carried away with my fantasy rew. I would like to publicly apologise to @rew for thinking of him as a sex-god whose clothes I would have torn off with my teeth In my frenzied state... ahem. I apologise if I made you uncomfortable @rew :oops2:

I must go and find that thread. I know I avoided it because there ain’t no pictures of me going on the internet ever :cool:

It's ok Leni. It was all taken as a bit of fun. Hope it helped you to let off steam.
I will admit, hormones were a-raging, the isolation madness took hold, and I did get a little carried away with my fantasy rew. I would like to publicly apologise to @rew for thinking of him as a sex-god whose clothes I would have torn off with my teeth In my frenzied state... ahem. I apologise if I made you uncomfortable @rew :oops2:

I must go and find that thread. I know I avoided it because there ain’t no pictures of me going on the internet ever :cool:
Well as long as the madness has gone away then it's all good, if you start having Rew like thoughts about Prince Phillip then we can send help.
I will not be finding that thread as I kinda like not knowing what people look like and take them as they are and the way they behave. There will be photos of me somewhere on the internet but they won't be obvious as my real identity is hidden, I am Batman.
Been out, Tesco again. while I stay in car. pop sandwiches radio on. bored bored bored & a couple of vapes.
Broke isolation this morning donned a facemask and gloves and popped to the corner shop.

????? other than no flour and a plexiglass screen to protect the staff - No changes from usual.. my mask n gloves elicited snigers and giggles from other shoppers - i can take that ;) but i was a little suprised to how many folk were wandering around in close proximity to strangers withou batting an eyelid.. had biscuits with tea for the first time in a month ;)
Went to Farmfoods (which I realise is at the very bottom of the supermarket mountain) to get a few things for us & Mrs Ace's sister (long story) & it was fine. No queue & only 5 or so other shoppers in, they looked quite normal too so maybe others are finding Farmfoods useful during this time :18:

Everything fully stocked, so got us a bunch of frozen chicken & fish, some goodies, tuna, rice & noodles. They even had eggs, dozens of them

Then had a nice drive over to deliver the sister's stuff

I've not had a walk out today, can't be bothered
Broke isolation this morning donned a facemask and gloves and popped to the corner shop.

????? other than no flour and a plexiglass screen to protect the staff - No changes from usual.. my mask n gloves elicited snigers and giggles from other shoppers - i can take that ;) but i was a little suprised to how many folk were wandering around in close proximity to strangers withou batting an eyelid.. had biscuits with tea for the first time in a month ;)

That's why I like visiting my local corner shop.
No queuing for an hour.
People being nice to each other, like holding the door open for me seeing as I have a bag of shopping in one hand, and a walking stick in the other (dont get that in a bloody supermarket)
Also seeing people that are not dressed like the world is coming to an end.
Went to the park where a family took off the barriers from the play equipment so their kids could go on it, there were told by numerous passers by not to but just said "don't care". Then no went to my local shop where I asked the owner if he had any flour, he told me it was just for regulars (which I am) then produced a brown paper bag from under the counter and asked Ithow much I wanted. It felt like I was part of a crack cocaine deal not buying flour to make Yorkshire puddings.
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