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Differences in concentrate manufacturers


Feb 9, 2015
I was just looking at buying some 100ml concentrates from Chefs Vapour and noticed that the capella variants are £10 more expensive than the others.

So, is there much difference in the vanilla custard concentrates from Capella, Flavor West and TPA? If there isn't a noticeable difference then I may just save a few quid and get one of the others, otherwise I'll just have to suck it up and get the Capella version anyway.

Would the same hold true of the other flavours from each too?
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There's a big variance in how concentrated the concentrates are ... value for money is not just about the £ per bottle, also about what % you actually need to use.
If you look around on the Chef's Vapour site there's a guide on recommended %'s by manufacturer.
I was just looking at buying some 100ml concentrates from Chefs Vapour and noticed that the capella variants are £10 more expensive than the others.

So, is there much difference in the vanilla custard concentrates from Capella, Flavor West and TPA? If there isn't a noticeable difference then I may just save a few quid and get one of the others, otherwise I'll just have to suck it up and get the Capella version anyway.

Would the same hold true of the other flavours from each too?

Yes and no, each manufacturer do certain flavours better than others.

Single flavour concentrates for mixing 99% of the time flavour art do more authentic tasting stuff, tpa etc taste more candy

Diactyol is a factor too, if you shop at flavour art they are garunteed all products they sell are diactyol free, this isnt the case with fw/cappela/tpa they sell diactyol free versions and ones with it included so you have to pay attention if you buy there custard/vanilla/ice cream/creams

Prices are not as simple as they seem for example with tpa/fw/cappela i need to use between 10%-20% to get a desired flavour. With flavour art i need between 1%-5% to acheive the same strength of desired flavour

So if we say cappella/fw/tpa bottle of 10ml concentrate is £2.50 and the flavour art bottle is £3.20 ill get at the highest levels

20% =50ml finished liquid for £2.50

Flavour art
5% = 200ml finished liquid for £3.20

So itll cost you £10 to match a flavour art bottle costing £3.20 and generally i use 1% or 2% with fa so even more realisticly
Thanks guys, think I'll get a 10ml bottle of each and start experimenting.
Just to add to this, think of it like coca cola, pepsi, virgin cola, tesco cola etc

Same shit but completely different tastes

I wasted a lot of money buying 30ml concentrates for £3 on ebay thinking I was being smart
Thanks guys, think I'll get a 10ml bottle of each and start experimenting.

Its always best to do this at first until you find a flavour that you like.
I have tried both PA and Capella Vanilla Custards, and imo there is not much between them.
The Capella Vanilla V1 slightly beats that PA version but as i said there is not much in it.
So get a 10ml of each, make your Custard recipe, leave to steep for a minimum of 3 weeks and then taste them.

Capella vanilla custard V2 does not contain any Diacetyl, but imo its no where as creamy as the vanilla custard V1.
Its personal choice what you go for, but after 30+ years of smoking, a tiny amount of Diacetyl in a juice does not bother me.
What your juice tastes like, and whether you enjoy vaping it, should be way more important than cost. Even the most expensive concentrates, used at dilutions of 20% or above, still work out as cheap as chips.
As for Capella - NO Capella flavouring concentrates contain diacetyl. However, Capella custard v1 does contain acetoin and acetyl propionyl, which, they say, may combine to produce Diacetyl when vaped.
v2 does not contain acetoin or acetyl propionyl.
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