I have no idea tbh but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it could. They now say it's not only coughing and sneezing but talking as well that can spread covid if people are too close. Large droplets fall to the ground quickly but that's the droplets that carry the virus not the virus itself. If virus particles can be expelled when we do a number of things and if our lungs are covered in virus ready to be expelled when we cough, sneeze, sing or talk - is it possible for large quantities of vapour that has been inhaled to pick up those particles and then carry them when exhaled from our lungs? I don't know. Don't know enough about the state a virus is in inside our lungs and whether or not it can get caught up in the vapour we inhale. Would be interested to see tests done on it tho, testing the breath of infected vapers as they exhale.
Haven't read the links in the OP yet so sorry if what I just said has already been covered.