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Dr Elisabeth Pott "misquoted" in Mail e-cig article

Matt Gluggles

Jan 29, 2013

Following from the article that appeared in the Mail on Sunday newspaper last weekend, by Susannah Butter, entitled "e-cigs could be more harmful than smoking, experts say" - The article that triggered a tidal wave of complaints to the PCC resulting in the web page being taken down.

The article was later copied by fashion magazine Marie Claire.

The good people at CASAA, in the USA, have done some research and contacted Dr Elisabeth Pott directly to check the validity of the quotes that were used in the Mail story.

I have seen a forwarded copy of the e-mail reply that they received back, which very clearly states :

"Dear Mr. [],

Thank you very much for your query. I would like to inform you that there
must be a misunderstanding/misquoting ... "

So the official statement from Dr Pott is that she was "misquoted" in the article, something that many of us suspected all along had to be the case.

Will CASAA be doing a write up about their response? I'd be interested in seeing that :)
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