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Dripdrop vs primevapes

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Because I am always right. :D

The post I replied to was comparing them to someone having all the equipment but being shit at their job, which is a completely unfair comparison.

I, on the other hand, was comparing two seemingly similar products that are produced in similar ways but cater to different audiences at different price points, and it was a much fairer comparision.


You’ve also missed the point in the same way as @DripDrop Vapour Samantha though. The poster in question didn’t compare @DripDrop Vapour Samantha ’s eliquid to the inept plumber. He was simply illustrating a point. @DripDrop Vapour Samantha ’s argument was that her eliquid must be as good as @Lee ’s prime vape eliquid on the basis that she has a clean room, uses certain concentrates by such and such a flavour house, trpr compliant ingredients etc etc. This is irrelevant when it comes to a comparison of the gustatory qualities of the blends.
Another random post from me, drawing on old posts...

I think I may be ever so slightly common...

I've done 'fine dining' before (on someone else's wallet) and ok, it tasted nice enough, but the times I've done it I've left feeling hungry.

I've also had wimpy burger meals - it tasted nice enough, and I was no longer hungry afterwards.

I've had champagne too - stuff that costs more per bottle than I'd pay for a car.

Yeah ok, it's alright I suppose - but lambrini tastes nicer.

And the conclusion drawn from this in comparison to eliquid?

I'd probably try dripdrop - if it weren't so damn expensive ;)

The conclusion to be drawn is: there is no accounting for taste.
The conclusion to be drawn is: there is no accounting for taste.


Which is why, given that ingredients and processes are somewhat similar (from an outsider's perspective) nobody at all can say that anyone else will find one better tasting than the other.
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