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Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
MCV ATOMIC - RRP £60 - Yours for £55 (fees and RMSD inc)

*sold* FLIP MINDS GOLD CROWN - RRP £59.99 - Yours for £55 (fees and RMSD inc)*sold**sold* VAPE SMITH CASTLE & DRIPTIP - RRP £64.98 - Yours for £60 (fees and RMSD inc) *sold*

All in first class nick, I don't need to sell them, they're all genuine and paid for with cash in full by me. I rate all three attys but since the arrival of the Origen they just aren't getting the love they need. I don't want swaps, I want cash to spend on Monday.



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Would love the castle Mawsley but I dont get paid until the 23rd, Up to you if you are willing to hold it, if not I was gonna get one from Greyhaze anyway. Cheers
My bad, should've taken the pictures out while I was at it :D

They have to go and they have to go this weekend because I need cash to spend on Monday.

This doesn't mean you can offer me £40 in the belief that I'm desperate because I'll just hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are.

Sorry, I can't hold any back because it'll be too late by then. If they don't go in the next 24hours then I keep them, either way I win because I don't really want to sell them.

They have to go and they have to go this weekend because I need cash to spend on Monday.

This doesn't mean you can offer me £40 in the belief that I'm desperate because I'll just hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are.

Sorry, I can't hold any back because it'll be too late by then. If they don't go in the next 24hours then I keep them, either way I win because I don't really want to sell them.

So you want £40.01 for the atomic ?

OK I will have it ;)
Dammit Mawsley stop selling nice stuff just after I spent £350 getting my car through its mot

Sent with kind regards and salutations.
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