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Dripworx Mix Club discussion thread.

This is exactly what my thinking was as the months go on, you guys may eventually get a recipe you find boring and think one of the previous flavours may work well with it! Of which you may have some surplus from previous months to add in!

[emoji106] need more cake base [emoji23]
Was going to do them in 10ml only for now but il listen if you guys want them in 30's or 100's :)

10 & 30s would be good mate. Means the concentrate used at a higher percentage can be purchased in larger volumes and we can still get small bottles of the parts that only need 1-2%
I would say fruit but i am just an awkward bugger, and i would be more than happy with the custard

(Cola bottles much better than maoams[emoji6] [emoji6] [emoji6] thanks)

Fruit, fruit, fruit, as far as i'm concerned.
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