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e-cigarette explodes into fireball

Ok test this then.

Get an 18350 cell. But it in a charger rated at 2a. The cell will only take 800mah right?

Your assuming the "usb charger" regulates the current, what if it only steps down the voltage?

first i'm going to assume that you're using the term "usb charger" to mean the adapter. current is not something that needs to be regulated, it is drawn. just because you use an adapter rated at 2.1a which means that 2.1a is the maximum current that can be supplied by that adapter.

if you mean "usb charger" to mean the actual ego charger, then yes, i am assuming that the charger regulates the current. that is the fundamental job of a charger.

as for the bit about the 18350 battery, i have no idea where you're going with that one as i've never heard of anyone using an ego charger to charge them. but at 800mah i would not put them in a charger (actual charger not usb adapter) with an output of any higher than 0.8amps

this is a big deal because it`s an ecig battery LOL
what about the countless apple batteries and chargers that fail and injure people???
also as someone else already pointed out,not exactly the best place to be charging batteries with all the spills and what not.
i know lets go and charge my batts in the bathroom :imstupid
the bottom line is all batteries are dangerous if misused or mistreated and should never be left unattended.

the bottom line for me is the attitude people on this site have towards this incident and those involved. i've seen many people call them stupid, it's even been said that they should have been killed. and this is from some of the main apes, who are all spouting duff information on matters that they obviously have no idea about. if you're gonna get all pretentious and snotty about safe ways to charge your e cig, at least get your facts right. otherwise you look like a twat.
My point is you are saying your fine putting a cell on a high current supply one minute then saying you shouldn't the next.

The point as you proved is you wouldn't put an 800mah cell in a 2amp bay. Why do you think its ok to put an at best 110pmah ego cell on a 2amp supply when you said yourself "if you dont know you should cgarge at a maximum of 1c"

I agree with you about that part, 1c is my guideline too, which is why I feel its a bad idea puttung an ego style cell on a 2amp supply....
If a usb Adapter/Port gives an output amperage then it gives out that amperage. FULL STOP . So an iPad charger is outputting 2.1amps. Hence the fires.
Its the charger that regulates the Amperage. So cheap e-cigs probably have a 500ma battery so thats why they require a 500ma charge rate as there is probably only very limited circuitry in them. Hence the fires when inputting 2.1a.
A lot of modern lipos for RC planes can be charged at High C ratings but they are always rated as mine are, they are chargeable at 5C some at 3C some at 1C. The 5C ones are 35C discharge rate.
I also use a very expensive charger that automatically monitors the batteries, temperature etc.. for them not just some usb type thingy.
Never underestimate what damage a lipo fire can do just search on the internet. many people have lost there houses, cars and lots have ended up with very bad burns especially when they swell and vent.
And always dispose properly. I discharge mine to 0volts then join both wires together and then they are safe for the rubbish bin.

Regardless of what it was being charged with all egousb chargers are rated 420ma !
If you take one apart there is often a circuit board with a few components that regulate the output and shut off when desired charge level is reached.

Ive used my ego chargers on 1a / 2a and 500ma outputs they all do the same they charge and shut off.
Using a 2a as opposed to 500ma makes no difference as the actual current is determined by the circuitry in the actual lead.
Regardless of what it was being charged with all egousb chargers are rated 420ma !
If you take one apart there is often a circuit board with a few components that regulate the output and shut off when desired charge level is reached.

Ive used my ego chargers on 1a / 2a and 500ma outputs they all do the same they charge and shut off.
Using a 2a as opposed to 500ma makes no difference as the actual current is determined by the circuitry in the actual lead.

Carry on mate its your choice, when it goes wrong its down to you.
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Carry on mate its your choice, when it goes wrong its down to you.

I think you have missed the entire point of what i was saying ?


Its a little blurry but like i said they're regulated to 420ma regardless of what you plug them into 1A / 2A
Those are, but surely if you only need 420ma its better to use a 500ma usb just incase something fails in there and sends full available current straight into the cell?

I see what your saying, and its highly likely the cell in this case was shorted by spilt liquid and went into thermal runaway, the venting either wasn't present or the small flame was caused by the hot vented gases igniting spilt spirits.

BUT I still dont think its a goos idea feeding these cheap little chargers more than 500ma. Then there is no way AT ALL of feeding too much current into the cell. Yes you can still end up feeding it 5v rather than 4.2, but at least you have phyically done your best to limit the charge current the cell can ever see.
^ This is sound advice, i generally only charge on the work PC but at home sometimes i stick them on my dual output socket adaptor.

I actually didnt see the charger lead in question just a charred remains of what was a battery.
I think you have missed the entire point of what i was saying ?

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Its a little blurry but like i said they're regulated to 420ma regardless of what you plug them into 1A / 2A

I haven't missed the point, the original post was cheap e-cigs being fed 2.1a when they are only supposed to have 0.5a.
As @gords1001 points out, the chances of failure increases. You may get away with it with a new healthy battery plenty of times but It only takes the one time for it to go all wrong.
Putting 4x the current in that is required isn't good as its pushing the regulation circuit to it limit or over its limit.
As for the charger you show, i would only use 0.5a or 500ma however you want to put it, as it doesn't even show an input current only 5V. Very untrustworthy!

Quote"If you take one apart there is often a circuit board with a few components that regulate the output and shut off when desired charge level is reached."

The words "there is often a circuit board with a few components that regulate the output", Alarms me.
So some have some haven't is what I'm getting at!
Do you know what the components are or do??
Im trying to help people avoid harming themselves so as i pointed out,
Most adverts clearly say they are supposed to be charged off a computer which is 500ma output on usb 1 and 2.
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And most people will tell you not to use a PC as the USB ports are often more unstable than the Mains adaptors !

Clearly yet again you have failed to see the main inportant factor here ! They're regulated to 420ma so you are not forcing 4 times the power down the line to the battery.

As it has been pointed out already better to be safe than sorry and keep it to the lowest output possible.

FYI : USB chargers dont show an input voltage as it is pressumed it will be plugged into a USB port !
And you habe audacity to ask if i know what the components are and what they do ? Yes i do thank you, i can show circuit boards i have built with swr / temp and over current protection built in but i would be wasting my time as you would'nt know the input from the output.
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