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E-cigarettes 'help smokers quit or cut down'


Sep 11, 2014
BBC News - E-cigarettes 'help smokers quit or cut down'

While this will come as no surprise to members here, but it's another positive media article.

Shame the BBC screwed up with this bit:

"The trial researchers found that about 9% of smokers who used e-cigarettes were able to stop smoking for up to a year, and possibly longer."

implying e-cigs help people to stop smoking temporarily. I'm sure they meant to say that within a year 9% of users had stopped smoking completely. Even the Daily Fail got that bit right in their article:

Study backs 'vaping' for smokers | Daily Mail Online

Heres the Guardian's report:

E-cigarettes can help smokers quit or cut down heavily, say researchers | Society | The Guardian

An amusing satitical piece linked from a commentor on the Guardian's article:

Put cancer in e-cigarettes, say non-smokers
Loving all the positives around it all makes a change

Planet of the Vapes
Vaping since 3/6/14
ASH seriously FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK me off;

"Our concern is that e-cigarettes could reverse this and create a new generation of customers for the tobacco industry."

Vaping is not smoking, it has nothing to do with tobacco, the people using vaping devices are current or ex-smokers.

Are they so used to peddling their 'anti' agenda that they can't/won't see the information in front of them?

Fuck off ASH, fuck off.

On the flipside, the Mail article read well apart from the quotes at the end.

"... any public health benefit is not yet well established” really? No benefit to vaping over smoking? Really?

The Mash article was funny though ;)
ASH seriously FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK me off;

"Our concern is that e-cigarettes could reverse this and create a new generation of customers for the tobacco industry."

So ASH are concerned that people quitting smoking will lead to an increase in smoking. It's hard to see where they go from there - I think the logical next step is for them to start campaigning against their own existence...
ASH need to gather opinions from ex smokers like us who turned to vaping to quit the cancer sticks.

I smoked for 25 years and have been by the bedside of both my best friend and my mum when they succumbed to cancer as a result of smoking, yet these experiences were'nt enough to enable me to give up.

I've tried NRT and also Champix and still went back to smoking. Yet having been introduced to vaping by my brother in law nearly three months ago. I now can honestly say I will never ever go back to smoking. As vaping is far superior and more importantly healthier.
The thing that I wonder is, if vaping kills cigarettes... will vaping replace smoking?

It could encourage nicotine addiction. Possibly.
Give me the nicotine any day of the week over the tar and the 4000 odd chemicals it contains.

Nicotine on its own unless drank is no worse than caffeine.
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