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E-mail From E-liquids - Ban Disposables

As much as I dislike disposables I’m really not convinced a complete ban is the right way to solve the problem.

No matter how much it seems like a no brainer to me for people to vape instead of smoking there are just too many people out there who find all the effort to keep refilling and maintaining proper vape tanks and mods something they simply don’t have the patience to do. They often feel put off by a variety of things, whether it be the time and effort involved, the mess or the extra size of other kinds of vape hardware. Mostly they will always go for the easiest and quickest option.

If I had to choose between seeing them vaping a disposable or smoking a cigarette I know which one I would prefer every day of the week.

That being said we can’t let things carry on the way they are at the moment. I don’t think there is a one size fits all solution to this. I think they need to look at a combination of different measures that they can hopefully make work and be practical enough to try to solve the problem.

The big danger for me is the possibility of the politicians taking the quick easy way out and following the likes of Australia in an almost complete ban. Our vape industry leaders have a big role to play in trying to find workable solutions to ensure the best future for us all.
I would like to see legislation to make them returnable vapes rather than disposable where the seller had to charge a returnable deposit of around five quid each on each vape which should reflect how difficult they are to recycle/the danger of bin fires etc, also the distributor should have a legal obligation to collect and return any used vapes to the manufacturer.

There will always be arseholes that throw them in the streets anyway, but i doubt they would stay in the street long as some enterprising kid would happily return them to the nearest place to pocket the deposit.

it wouldn't cause an actual ban, which is something i would like to avoid as many are intimidated by refilling/charging batteries/thinking for themselves so they would still be available. but the additional deposit would make buying them closer to the price of a a basic re-chargeable MTL pod kit with replacement pods and, hopefully, deter kids from buying.
a lot of folk seem to think that disposable vapes are a good thing because they enable lazy people to stop smoking.
.. there are just too many people out there who find all the effort to keep refilling and maintaining proper vape tanks and mods something they simply don’t have the patience to do. They often feel put off by a variety of things, whether it be the time and effort involved, the mess or the extra size of other kinds of vape hardware.
There are plenty of options that require very little effort these days, and the obvious type is the rechargeable, pre-filled changeable pod device, e.g. the Elf Bar Elfa Pro (that now comes in at the same price as a disposable, I mentioned on other thread).

Saying that, there is still a place for disposables in certain aspects.. it's just that it's like they have become abused...
Yep, lazy bastards, like the van driver who hardly has time to take a piss or the lady who`s just had her house adapted to help her cope with arthritis, it`s all black and white innit?
There are plenty of options that require very little effort these days, and the obvious type is the rechargeable, pre-filled changeable pod device, e.g. the Elf Bar Elfa Pro (that now comes in at the same price as a disposable, I mentioned on other thread).

Saying that, there is still a place for disposables in certain aspects.. it's just that it's like they have become abused...

The vast majority simply won't buy them.

Why? Firstly because they don't know about them and secondly because people can grab a disposable from any of a thousand shops they walk past whereas trying to find somewhere that sells pod refills is far less easy to find.
up the minimum age to 21
zero tolerence on sellers selling to kids. no slap on wrist or £200 fine. first fine 10 or 20 grand and then double it every time caught. or just revoke their shop licence to sell them all together.

I guess the deposit idea is decent enough. £5 a puff and £5 deposit. it sure would clear the streets quick enough as others will start picking them up off the streets. but then is it too good an idea as say someone picks up 20 and takes them to their local shop, would they be willing to pay out 100 notes when that shop may not of sold them in the first place.
I think this seriously needs to go back to the drawing board but in the mean time give trading standars more funding to take on more staff for hit squads to go out on a daily basis to catch the culprits selling to kids.
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