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E-mail From E-liquids - Ban Disposables

A thought just occurred to me.

One of the ways governments love to try dealing with problems is tax.

They could certainly make a big chunk of change taxing disposables and then perhaps they could offer tax incentives for retailers to offer better recycling schemes. It would also help them clamp down on illegal vapes because most retailers won't want to get on the wrong side of the tax authorities.
1) I'm not in favour of disposables.

2) For most disposable users there is too much vape kit and they do think disposables are the easiest answer.

1) then why do you care whether they get banned or not?

2) that’s what you think, which is fair enough. but we don’t know that it’s the reason.
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A thought just occurred to me.

One of the ways governments love to try dealing with problems is tax.

They could certainly make a big chunk of change taxing disposables and then perhaps they could offer tax incentives for retailers to offer better recycling schemes. It would also help them clamp down on illegal vapes because most retailers won't want to get on the wrong side of the tax authorities.

Definitely a double edged sword. i can't see any government not taxing ALL vape products once they pop that particular cherry.
Definitely a double edged sword. i can't see any government not taxing ALL vape products once they pop that particular cherry.

Don't worry, I'm definitely not saying I like the idea. I just know that's the way they think. Look at ULEZ to deal with air pollution.

The thing that gives me hope though is that I think in the UK the government has shown that they at least understand enough to recognise that smoking is the primary issue they want to tackle. I think that's why they've left vape products alone so if they do go down the tax route hopefully they would make it specifically for disposables.

If they said that any vapes that cannot be refilled and also contain single use non rechargable batteries should be taxed to make them the same price as a pack of 20 cigarettes that would make people think about looking for better vape products.
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I'm so bored of hearing about them maybe a ban is the best thing to do as there are plenty of alternatives which can be recharged with replaceable pods.
I must admit the more I think about the idea of taxing single use disposables the more I like it.

As soon as disposables come under the control of the tax authority I think it would deal a big blow to the trade in illegal disposables. If there is one thing no retailer ever wants it is having tax inspectors crawling all over their business finances. If trading standards were required to automatically report anyone caught selling illegal vapes to HMRC that would slash their sales over night.

What the explosion of disposables has shown though is that people are attracted by their simplicity. People who are trying vaping for the first time don’t want to have to change a coil, or read numbers they don’t understand off a display screen, or even just push a single fire button.

If people could be shown that all they have to do is plug in a charge cable and simply pull out an empty pod and push in a new one I doubt anyone would find that too hard to cope with. Then the tax on disposables would encourage retailers to stock and point people towards them so they would hopefully become as widely available and easy to find as cigarettes are now.
^^ Careful what you wish for, if they start taxing disposables it opens the way for them to tax other vape gear too.

Also those selling vapes to peoplp who are underage will just charge any additional tax so I don't see how that would make any difference to that problem.
^^ Careful what you wish for, if they start taxing disposables it opens the way for them to tax other vape gear too.

Also those selling vapes to peoplp who are underage will just charge any additional tax so I don't see how that would make any difference to that problem.
My thoughts exactly.
^^ Careful what you wish for, if they start taxing disposables it opens the way for them to tax other vape gear too.

Also those selling vapes to peoplp who are underage will just charge any additional tax so I don't see how that would make any difference to that problem.

I agree that is a risk and not a thought I think any of us would be keen on.

As for under age sales I don't think they will ever solve that problem. Youngsters have always found ways to buy booze and fags. I doubt if there is anyone on here who didn't do the same when we were kids.

I think if we can at least get rid of the most unsafe illegal vapes that will at least go some way to protecting them.
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