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Early Day Motion Challenging TPD

And of course there was also the open admission from a member of HMG that the reason "e-cigs" was included in the TPD was because of Big Pharma lobbying!
9 signed now. slowly slowly.

naff all from my m yet only an automated reply saying they are so busy only urgent matters will get replys.

Nine signatures to any EDM is high.

Here's the list for reference

EDM 9 sigs.jpg
There is a petition to the Prime Minister on change.org that seems to be doing pretty well:


Needs 1500 ish more signatures. Might not achieve anything, but after the Lords comments recently, the comments by Cameron, and the RCP report, hopefully at the very least this just add more fuel to the fire for ministers to get behind vaping and support it!
Good spot, moose.
It does all help but it's not very well worded that petition ...

I agree and thought the same. However, this is getting some Twitter attention at the moment from some of the bigger hitters in the UK advocacy scene.

With time rapidly running out until TPD implementation, new petitions are of limited value, so I thought this might just be one that hopefully gets some traction.

No doubt there will be endless further attempts to bury vaping, so possibly we should put a professionally worded petition together when next required. With some of the characters I've seen here, the experience some members have with previous campaigns, and the fact this forum includes both business and consumer contributors, I think we could put something truly amazing together!
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