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Early Day Motion Challenging TPD

I wrote my MP asking him to supprot the Early day motion 1441 and within the hour recieved a canned response.

My letter

Dear David Tredinnick,

I am writing to ask you to consider supporting Early day motion 1441.

I am an e-cigarette user and ex-smoker who has used e-cigarettes for 3
years and in that time my health has improved drastically and I have
stopped smoking completely. I feel this is due, in a significant way,
to the choices I have in e-cigarette products including flavours,
strengths and equipment and that the Tobacco Product Directive impinges
on those choices in a way that could impact the uptake of vaping by
other smokers, depriving them of the health benefits and harm reduction
e-cigarettes provide and may push ex-smokers (including myself) back to

I feel, like many others do, that including e-cigarettes in the TDP was
a knee jerk reaction which had no basis in facts or common sense and
supporting Early day motion 1441 could help to rectify that mistake.

Yours sincerely,

And the canned, unconsidered response.

Dear Mr Mouth
Thank you for your e-mail about the regulation of e-cigarettes.

The Government recognises that e-cigarettes help some smokers to quit and the evidence indicates that they are considerably less harmful to health than cigarettes. At the same time, it is essential that we do not encourage smoking and continue to protect children from the effects of nicotine.

The rules set out in the revised Tobacco Products Directive, published in April 2014, will apply in the UK from 20 May 2016 and cover tobacco and smokeless tobacco products, herbal products and will, for the first time, regulate e-cigarettes. The Government has consulted on how to implement them.

Ministers understand that e-cigarettes are helpful to some people wishing to quit smoking, but the quality of products on the market remains highly variable. It is therefore important that proportionate regulation is introduced to ensure minimum safety requirements and that information is provided to consumers so that they can make informed choices. This is the aim of the regulatory framework set out in the TPD.

In implementing the new EU rules, the Government intends to work towards regulation that will permit a range of products, to remain on the market which are positioned as alternatives to smoking, not as products that introduce children to vaping or smoking. From May, e-cigarettes that are licenced by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency will still be able to be advertised, and the advertising of all other e-cigarettes will no longer permitted on television.

I hope that this letter reassures you that the new rules in the revised TPD do not aim to prevent people from using e-cigarettes, but rather to provide consumers with safer, less variable products.

Thank you again for writing to me on this issue.
Yours sincerely
David Tredinnick MP​
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