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ECE harrogate 28th June 2015 REVIEW

Saw one of you in a T-Shirt that was about as good as it got from you lot! Where was the stand or where was your presence?? I really enjoyed the day and so did my friends. Yes things could have been better however when I wrote this review I could see absolutely nothing about this event, to say piss poor and moan about the café!!? Maybe thats why I hardly saw you as you were all in the café??

As you have a 2 post vetting system maybe I couldn't see all your helpful reviews that POTV and their affiliates wrote!

For whatever reason POTV and affiliates are making statements about ECE that are simply not true! I also would like to add that organisers let the public in on Sunday so it was an open event in the end.
I can confirm that POTV was omnipresent throughout in the form of our Lord and saviour Teflon of Nazareth. It may have been purely spiritual but many will have been touched by his godhead.

I am pleased to announce that at the NEC you will be able to drink of his blood and feast of his flesh too, which will be nice.

Ah but at the NEC we also have the dark messiah known as Dobbin the rainbow hopping space donkey who speaks through his prophet Mawsley and the following of this cult is truly frightening. I shall offer up a bucket of carrots in homage to the great Dobbin. :D
Saw one of you in a T-Shirt that was about as good as it got from you lot! Where was the stand or where was your presence?? I really enjoyed the day and so did my friends. Yes things could have been better however when I wrote this review I could see absolutely nothing about this event, to say piss poor and moan about the café!!? Maybe thats why I hardly saw you as you were all in the café??

As you have a 2 post vetting system maybe I couldn't see all your helpful reviews that POTV and their affiliates wrote!

For whatever reason POTV and affiliates are making statements about ECE that are simply not true! I also would like to add that organisers let the public in on Sunday so it was an open event in the end.

So, what exactly are you getting at? I spoke to a lot of people there, i spoke to lots of people about the TPD and advocacy, i was at the vttv stand talking to the great Dave Dorn and co about some of the excellent work they do, i used 2 batteries on my phone showing people the forum and main site and spoke to a food few UKV members and generally spread the word about what a great forum this is, and how awesome the people are on it.....

What were you expecting? If i was a cynic i would think your either one of the organisers or someone from UKV....weirdly, i am a cynic and im calling you out :D
And yeah, the event was ok.....the fact it was more geared up for wholesale orders, and the fact that the organisers put up the wrong postcode on the site might have had something to do with the fact it wasn't as busy as maybe it could be
Cannot understand this as most vendors especially the juice retailers were willing to sell me their products (singularly) at a heavily discounted rate.

Don't really know where you're coming from in relation to your statement of being "extremely piss poor" as I could have spent a fortune as a member of the public on mods and juice!

What I have noted is that Planet of the Vapes attended and you haven't made any comment about the event up until now!

Find it strange that Planet of the Vapes didn't showcase themselves a bit more??

As for the café I didn't really care as I was better off spending my money on the many stalls I could get my Vape equipment from!

I'm a bit upset at your reaction to an exhibition that made me feel like a kid in a sweetshop. I also feel that you don't want me to promote something that fellow vapours should be made aware of.

Especially as the two people slating ECE is POTV and one of your affiliates!!

We attended, we spoke to many of the vendors, we too availed ourselves of the freebies on the De-Bang stand, and one or two others. The comments about the poor avavilability of goods are valid, This forum is free to use and it's operating costs are (more or less) met by the advertising you see on the site. Even a very small stand at ECE would have been £750, not something the forum can afford.

As for making Vapers aware of goods and services - Yes ECE did that to an extent but it seemed more aimed at the Business to Business sector - not selling to the public. There are two remaining big events this year - Theres one at the NEC on the 18th & 19th IIRC, and then the Daddy of them All - Vapefest 2015 is at Shrewsbury in August on the 8th & 9th. This years will be bigger than ever, 96 vendors, A raffle with prizes including 5 GP Paps V3, A Carbon blax SX Mini M class, A GG Estirigon, An MM Vapours Vapefests custom mod, A Soul Vaper Baby Box mod, An Abstract Vapes stand, A Brushed copper Nemesis, Xtar chargers and several Juice packs, theres also a Sound stage in the evening, Free entry and free camping. If ECE made you feel like a kid in a sweetshop then Vapefest will make you think you've been given the Keys to the entire sweet factory and warehouse. Then you'll understand why we are somewhat negative about the ECE.
rkay78 I was there as a potential wholesale customer and not in any way representing POTV...I was actually wearing a Blackhacks Vape Gear T Shirt and not a POTV t shirt that some others were wearing.

The Chinese guy with the spiderman boxes had a long chat about me importing a batch and I also have his contact details and will be in touch with him in the next week or so.

My main complaint is that I always buy a sample of goods before I purchase a bulk order....I like to try and test everything I actually sell....If it's on my site, It's because I've personally tested it and it's passed my own personal quality levels.

The fact that I couldn't buy samples was a bit of a deal breaker for me.
It may be that there were samples at the trade only day on the Sunday, but as I had a long journey back to Jockland, I passed on the second visit as I had seen everything I wanted to on the Saturday.

I reiterate...This event was not for the general public, It was a trade show......look at Vapefest, That's a public event and even the organisers there realised they needed two days for everyone to get round the whole site
Saw one of you in a T-Shirt that was about as good as it got from you lot! Where was the stand or where was your presence?? I really enjoyed the day and so did my friends. Yes things could have been better however when I wrote this review I could see absolutely nothing about this event, to say piss poor and moan about the café!!? Maybe thats why I hardly saw you as you were all in the café??

As you have a 2 post vetting system maybe I couldn't see all your helpful reviews that POTV and their affiliates wrote!

For whatever reason POTV and affiliates are making statements about ECE that are simply not true! I also would like to add that organisers let the public in on Sunday so it was an open event in the end.

Actually we didn't have a stand, not all of us were there in a official capacity at all but were there to support vendors who advertise with us. I spent the majority of the day chatting extensively with several vendors regarding products of interest for future review so the idea of you suggesting we were lazing around in the cafe is bit much. I would have needed a second mortgage if that was my plan.
I'm on my phone on a particular poor app. However that's another thread! It is pretty hard to read all these explosive comments on here to which i will do tomorrow.
I am not anyone other than an avid vapour. Both my friends attended and they both found the event interesting and fun. Actually one of them is new to the scene and he loved it! That is why I tried to inform other vapours of this event and other events to come!

I will reply to all of the Micky taking comments and jibes I can see but will have to give it a closer inspection until I pass comment.

Goodnight POTV
I'm on my phone on a particular poor app. However that's another thread! It is pretty hard to read all these explosive comments on here to which i will do tomorrow.
I am not anyone other than an avid vapour. Both my friends attended and they both found the event interesting and fun. Actually one of them is new to the scene and he loved it! That is why I tried to inform other vapours of this event and other events to come!

I will reply to all of the Micky taking comments and jibes I can see but will have to give it a closer inspection until I pass comment.

Goodnight POTV

Oh, Just one more thing I should point out, not everyone in a POTV T-shirt was there in an official capacity, Lots of ordinary members have POTV T-Shirts (Myself included) In fact as has been pointed out by someone else there was no "Official" POTV Presence...
Oh, Just one more thing I should point out, not everyone in a POTV T-shirt was there in an official capacity, Lots of ordinary members have POTV T-Shirts (Myself included) In fact as has been pointed out by someone else there was no "Official" POTV Presence...

...bar the omniscient, omnipotent Teflon.
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