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ECE harrogate 28th June 2015 REVIEW

TeaTime did you or did you not got to the ECE Harrogate in a Planet of the Vapes T-Shirt?
The T Shirts were once on sale to ALL MEMBERS of this forum, that doesn't mean that anyone wearing one is a representative of POTV......

Otherwise anyone wearing a football top is a professional football player...
Mawsley: POTV website is on ECE Harrogate webpage advertising its attendance.
How can you say POTV didn't have an opinion when your reviewers have done as such in this thread?

The Reviewer Tag on my profile refers to the fact that I do Youtube reviews, As far as I'm aware Official POTV Reviews are only published in the News letter. Members are allowed to post their own reviews and it may be we need to include Text disclaimers on our post where we link to Video reviews,

I've checked the exhibitor listing again and we are indeed shown on there @OccultScientist @junglist can you shed any light on this - we didn't have a stand there did we? If we didn't why are we on the Exhibitor list?

I do not wish to give offence but I do think you are wilfully conflating POTV and Reviewer into something that doesn't exist. POTV's "Official" Team are clearly Identified either as "Site Staff", "Forum Moderator" or "Top Brass". Reviewer is just an identifier to allow other members to see that I review things, in the same way "Vendor" lets you know that for Example @PlumeBlu sells things...

When it comes right down to it your experience as a new vaper was bound to differ from those of us who have been to several of these types of event, For you this was an uncharted wonderland full of wonderful new juices and exotic gear. To me it was a small "Trade Show", poorly attended and organised, with very little of more than passing interest when viewed through the lens of the upcoming vapefest.

We are all entitled to our personal opinions, Your's is that you enjoyed the show and I'm very glad you did, nothing would have been worse for a new vaper than to go to something like that and be disappointed.

The opinion of those members whom I met on the day was that the show was at best a poor effort, the vendors were there and a reasonable number of them, but for multiple vendors especially ones like House Of Liquid to not sell goods on the public day was a massive letdown, Sigellei sold a select few items but none of the stuff we really wanted. As I said earlier when viewed through the lens of the upcoming Vapefest the ECE was a let down, and, just as you are entitled to your opinion we are entitled to ours...
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The reason I ask is all of a sudden POTV didn't have anything to do with ECE Harrogate even though it is advertised on the website.
Football is different as you are supporting a team where as wearing a T-Shirt at an exhibition that represents something there would make them a team member!
You sir, are entitled to your opinion....Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and they're all different....

Strange though how more people were a bit disappointed with the "Exhibition" than were happy with it.......Must be hard being in the minority.....
Might see you all at Vape fest hopefully it will be at least nearly as good as ECE Harrogate!! Will look out for POTV stand if you're all there! If I can't find you I will look for the people with POTV t-shirts or will you be hiding at the burger stands??
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