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ECE harrogate 28th June 2015 REVIEW

Might see you all at Vape fest hopefully it will be at least nearly as good as ECE Harrogate!! Will look out for POTV stand if you're all there! If I can't find you I will look for the people with POTV t-shirts or will you be hiding at the burger stands??

mate....vapefest is gonna blow your mind...you think the deals were good at the ece? there will be massive competition from other vendors and if you have a few quid then you'll get a cracking deal.....
BlackHack I've just looked at your site I dropped on a link on POTV. Do you work for POTV or are you a vendor?? Will you have a stand at Vape fest?
Might see you all at Vape fest hopefully it will be at least nearly as good as ECE Harrogate!! Will look out for POTV stand if you're all there! If I can't find you I will look for the people with POTV t-shirts or will you be hiding at the burger stands??

It will blow your mind - and I'll be eating the damn burger stand...:pie:
Last year I went home with a new Vaporshark RDNA40, A Kayfun Lite, A Vulcan dripper, A custom made wooden mod stand, and perhaps 20 or so juices, plus a long list of stuff I couldnt afford on the day, just plain missed or didn't get the chance to see... and that was just one day, this year it's two days...:yahoo:
Thanks teatime I'm looking forward to it alright!! Might even get a POTV T-Shirt!! Will you allow me guys???
Thanks teatime I'm looking forward to it alright!! Might even get a POTV T-Shirt!! Will you allow me guys???

You can have one as soon as the thread gets posted that they are on sale, I had heard they were going to be available again...
like gandolph Engineer mentioned, soon there will be a thread, and im sure there will be a list....im getting another even though i wont be going!

BlackHack I've just looked at your site I dropped on a link on POTV. Do you work for POTV or are you a vendor?? Will you have a stand at Vape fest?

No. I dont work for POTV, I'm just the same as you....A Member of the forum.

If you actually looked at the website on the contact page you would have found....

I can also be found (as blackhack) on both of the vaping forums detailed above
(POTV + UKV) and also on Facebook
I'd recommend joining a forum to get the latest news and views of the vaping world

As you can see, I also encourage vapers to visit UKV as well as POTV......Forums are a mine of vaping information and news.

Yes, I am a vendor, but I sell mainly clones, and as such I'm looked at a bit strangely over at UKV...And yes, I will be at vapefest, but not as a trader as "Clones" are not allowed
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