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ECE harrogate 28th June 2015 REVIEW

Looking forward to this event now. Quick question. When I wear my POTV T-Shirt is there any secret code nod or handshake just want to clarify in case I see any of the tribe there?
Looking forward to this event now. Quick question. When I wear my POTV T-Shirt is there any secret code nod or handshake just want to clarify in case I see any of the tribe there?
We will be easy to spot as we will have a proper official designated spot. No secret handshake needed but the tshirts help to identify other crazy apes. I just hope we don't have our names printed in the same place as last year as it got abit embarrassing staring at people's arses!

if you do make it, you will love it! It is THE vaping meet, great selection of goodies to buy and try but most importantly it is a great way to just hang out with other vapers. It is as much a social event as it is a shopping trip! It is the highlight of my year, just a shame I can only make it down for the one day and not for the whole weekend. Make sure you come and say hello to us all though as we really are a friendly bunch :)
I for one cannot wait for Vapefest. I went to last year's and had a ball. Just a shame I can't be there for both days. Oh and I didn't have a t shirt last year but definitely getting one for this year.
How many people will be there? cannot wait now hope the weather holds up!
I'm really rubbish with numbers but at least a couple of thousand last year. I believe that the organisers also struggled to give a definitive number as it was, and will be, a free event. I did hear of a rough number based on numbers of raffle tickets sold, but of course this is also inaccurate as many bought multiple tickets. Let's just say, there were one or two!
Looking forward to this event now. Quick question. When I wear my POTV T-Shirt is there any secret code nod or handshake just want to clarify in case I see any of the tribe there?

Yeah you have to put your tool on Mawsleys head and tap it three times
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