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Element pink lemonade recipe?

I've just returned 4hrs later and the lemon is coming out on the pink lemonade as is the added banana on the banana nut. Think I have an infection as I couldn't even taste the original element pink lemonade + key lime cookie in my vape so I'll leave it a day or two and have a puff.
Ok guys.
What do you taste in elements pink lemonade?
Is it lemon?
Or something else?
Would be very interested in what flavour you perceive?
Personally I get a good sweet strong lemonade flavour that is backed up by a slight red fruit flavour that has a tart slant to it, raspberry would be my guess?
Will be very interested in what you taste?
I taste a very good lemon/lemonade. I don't know if you have this drink powder over there, but it tastes like Country Time lemonade. My siblings and I drank it by the gallon when we were little.

Not sure what "red" I taste, BUT I agree with @FurryWhiskers as well as my own tastebuds. Pomegranate and or grenadine.
I've researched incessantly on this and @bigbluenose is on the right track. I am all for "building" a clone. That lemon is the forerunner of this great juice. So, with what I have, i.e. TFA Lemon, Nature's Flavors Lemonade and Lemon, along with Decadent Vapours Lemon Sherbet, I should think it's past the point of trying to copy and start "crafting" this juice. I plan to push each flavor to the max percentage for flavor, then combine. If they fade, How do they fare together? Which one compliments and holds the other one up? Over here in the States, the BEST lemon form the research I've done is unanimously the Lemon from FE (Flavor Express) that can only be purchased from ecigexpress.com I have an account and will place that order soon.
By the way? I tried my last little batch of the Natures Flavors recipe I had let steep for better than a week and it was horrid! I literally could of won the award for worst tasting DIY of the year, it was just that bad. Worthy of an honorable mention in one of Brian Lumley's horror novels! I said all that to say this...I am still all in folks! I want to crack this! It's become personal, lol!
It's Flavor Express. The brand is Flavor Express and this review right here convinced me to get some. This is one of the 19 reviews on the site that recommends it. And yes, there one or two that really dislike it, however, the majority...
Superb Lemon
Reviewed on 5/3/2015
"This lemon is far and away the best I've tried to date. It never mutes during the steeping process. It is a primary ingredients in 2 of the juices I make. Only 1 complaint, I wish I could get it in a gallon at a time!"

I am going to go on and order this lemon. If It were ME, I would say anyone following along on this thread to try and get the best all around lemon you can get in your area. Once I get this lemon the way I want it, and so that it won't mute? I'll feel like I've started on my way.
this is the link to the Lemon by Flavor Express:
This is the link to the reviews:
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If this lemon is great, we can ship up to 120ml to the UK for shipping costs of approx $20. 121ml up to 720ml will cost just under $30.
You're Welcome @bigbluenose. Ok, since the N.F. Lemonade and Lemon along with the D.V. Lemon Sherbet I have on hand are all in a vg based carrier, I went on and used them at full strength in my Tsunami RDA, 65 watts @.3 ohms with a Sigelei 75 watt mini. Overall impressions are this. N.F. Lemonade is the best tasting and closest TO the Lemon we get from the Element's line. It's tart and sweet...AND has steeped out the potency of the cane alcohol to where it has an exhale that tastes of toothpaste. So that's a no go. The N.F. Lemon is a salty, tart, reminds you more of the zest off the peel than say the tart punch of the juice. Again...a no go. And the D.V. Lemon Sherbet is good mind you, however, it would need something to mute out the "Lemon wood polish" like say Vienna Cream or a meringue. I mixed up a batch of 10% TFA Lemon in 100% vg @ 3 mg nic. I will let this one steep until Tuesday after work to see where it's at. Will place my order for the Lemon from Flavor Express tomorrow evening to be sure I have it by week's end. Also seeing a lot of recipes calling for the CAP juicy lemon? Anyone have this flavor and care to describe it?
So my mix has been steeping for a little over a week! It's NICE! It's sweet but the lemon is a bit subtle. Excuse my attempt here as I haven't even tried the element pink lemonade and I only had lucozade pink lemonade the other day! The recipe on the lucozade is lemon, raspberry and cranberry. Either way this liquid I made 100%vg is nice :). Will buy the real deal and work on it!
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