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eLiquid Consumption


Jan 27, 2014
New to the forum but already very impressed with the quality and number of posters on here. Looking forward to my new hobby! Quick question... I appreciate this is very subjective but roughly how much liquid would you expect to get through on a daily basis? The reason I ask is that I want to ensure that I don't start taking on additional nicotine when it's not really needed when compared to my daily consumption of normal cigarettes. Up to now I have been smoking 10 - 15 Camel Lights per day (0.6mg of Nicotine). I have just ordered a ego Mini battery and a EVOD bottom coil clearomizer. Any help greatly appreciated!
Depends on your Mod/tank/atty/you etc etc. For me I'm generally using 1-2ml a day and i used to smoke around 20-30 rollies a day. I vape quite a lot though cos i work from home so its pretty easy just to have it on all day :) after the initial novelty wears off i should imagine ill cape a bit less but it doesn't seem to be wearing off and i can't stop modding ha!! Best of luck
I can also see myself going heavily down the modding route once I get a little bit more familiar with the tech involved. What mg of nicotine are you using in your liquid? I have order some 12mg to start with. My logic is at least if I start with 12mg as opposed to 18mg and I'm fine with that then I have saved myself a lot of unnecessary nicotine consumption. If 12mg doesn't do the job then I can easily up it to 18mg and then see how that works out for me. Thank you for your response!
This is a "how long is a piece of string" question.

you won't start taking on additional nicotine. your body regulates itself via a process called "self titration" and when you've had enough it tells you to put the vape down.

the method that nicotine gets into your system from smoking and from vaping is different. A new user using lower powered device like an eGo usually finds it takes quite a few minutes for the nicotine in the vapour to get into your system, nicotine from smoking gets to your brain in just a few seconds. Experienced users with more powerful kit can replicate this almost, but you don't normally get the quick 'hit' that you do with smoking. You get used to this, so don't worry about it, just be aware that it's a little bit different.

As far as how much e-liquid gets used. I've found that for an average new user that was about a 20-a-day smoker then they'll get through about 1 EVOD full (or about 2ml) or e-liquid a day. Heavier smokers might use more, and lighter smoker might use less. Some people find they like vaping so much that they drop the nicotine so they can vape it constantly, if this turns out to be you then you'll use more liquid obviously. Some people use the vape like they used the cigarette and have a vape and then put it down for an hour or more between vapes.

Lots of more experienced users wind up using more like 2 EVODs full (or about 5ml of e-liquid a day) especially if you move onto to Genesis atomisers, cotton wicked micro coils.

Juice is pretty cheap though (especially compared to smokes) and you can get really low nicotine content juice if that's what you're after so you can vape more often and still keep your nicotine content low.
I was a ridiculously heavy smoker and now a ridiculously heavy vaper as can get through over 15 ml per day of 18mg.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
it depends on the juice with me.... @steamgunks captain custard i can easily do 5 ml a day, and have to ration myself a bit otherwise it wouldnt leave my hand....ive had to get my wife to hide (yeah, seriously) it so i still have 10ml of the 30ml i got last week....its the same with @krakens minion farts, easily 5ml a day....but the worse was @plumeblu 's colonel boom boom's blackpowder I managed to get through 4ml in one evening of that stuff, and whats worse is that its not on general sale yet! its still in development :(

theres another one due out anytime soon from @kraken called kingslayer....its a custard and its like manna from heaven....im seriously worried that it will top the boom boom from @plumeblu :)

If i could offer a tiny little bit of advice, and that is to invest in some good kit....the better the clearo/atty/device you use, the better the juice will taste.....none of the juices ive tried prior to using an iclear30/3 protank3/RSST or other RBA bears any resemblance when i had an ego or similar device with a ce4/evod or "cheap" clearo/mod.

I really dont mean this as having a go or anything :D we all start somewhere, but the only time i had a "wobble" and nearly bought 20 marlboro was when i had my ego...ive not had an inkling for a fag since i got a vamo, and i think i paid about £30 odd quid for it....have a browse on the market place....theres lots of nice shiney stuff on there.....then get on here and ask one of the great people on here for some advice on what you've had a look at, or if something takes your fancy :)
My intake shows almost zero variance. Since the start I've been between 3.2 and 3.5ml every day! I am a creature of habit though.
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