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Oct 15, 2013
Hi all.

I'm currently a smoker and have been researching e-cigs. My wife has been vaping for about a year now and I feel that I'd like to start vaping and stop smoking.

She started with Green Smoke but they were really pricey and now she uses JAC Vapour and finds them ok.

I tried the GreenSmoke but was still smoking and then I bought a cheap eGo. It just wasn't working out both of us on the same device as I'd charge up my batteries and she'd forget and she'd just pinch mine (any excuse :) ). I didn't think much of the eGo, but it could be because I bought a naff one.

The device that I'm most interested in is the Vamo V5 in stainless steel. The only concern I'm having is that a lot of sites are stating that it's for veteran users. Is that because of the effect, or just because it's a bit technologically advanced?

Any advice really appreciated.

PS. I also don't know where to buy one. All of the UK companies just seem to have chrome ones.
Hello and welcome epicpotato! Well if you mean veteran as being over 40 then that includes me!!!

With a cigalike, you just screw the two parts together and go. No choices to be made other than flavours.

With an Ego, you can change what you put on top of your battery, this is like a second step up the ladder.

With a vamo, you can change what you put on top and you have variable volts or variable wattage VV / VW and with this you can alter the volts or watts you use. So I suppose you could say that it it the 3rd step on the ladder!!

I'm not technical enough to explain the differences, but I play about with VV or VW to suit the different tanks and juices I use. I like being able to change to suit my tastes.

That's a simple explanation........
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Re buying a SS vamo, do you want to buy the complete kit in one go, or are you happy to buy the body, batteries etc separately?

Complete kit : http://myepack.co.uk/mods/vamo-v5-full-kit-ss.html


http://www.eciglondon.com/product/vamo v4

Body only: http://www.stealthvape.co.uk/electr...s/vamo-v2-chrome-black-chrome-stainless-steel

If you buy the body only, you can usually add a battery to your order. You will need a good charger, I use a nitecore I4 charger.

After all this, you need to look at what to put on top of your vamo!!!

I recommend a Protank 2 or an Evod BCC to start with. They are good reliable starter pieces and the heads can be replaced by buying spare heads. In the long run you can then start recoiling the heads to save money if you want to, but that's in the future, don't worry about that for now!!

The above links are suggestions only, check on the discount tab above, as many of these venders give PoTV members discounts!
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Thanks for the replies.

I actually have the myepack site open and have the Vamo V5 kit in my basket. The only problem I have is that I want Protank 2s, not the ones they supply, and there is a review that slates the batteries and charger, so I don't particularly want those either, lol.

The other problem is that if I just buy the body from them, they don't seem to sell the batteries separately.
Hi mate .. welcome .. :)

the batteries and charger will help you start off .. just get some more as and when you can
Hi and welcome to the Planet :), Lots of excellent advice above, if when you get a VV or VW (Variable Voltage or Variable Wattage device) you need any help as to set up and or operation just holla and we will help walk you through what you need to know in order to get what you need out of it :) .
Thanks for the replies.


I actually have the myepack site open and have the Vamo V5 kit in my basket. The only problem I have is that I want Protank 2s, not the ones they supply, and there is a review that slates the batteries and charger, so I don't particularly want those either, lol.

The other problem is that if I just buy the body from them, they don't seem to sell the batteries separately.

A lot of people buy their batteries from a guy called Torchy, I'll try to find a link.

I'll have a look for batteries for you as well. I'd get 18650s and or 18350s, but would not stack 2 18350s, they say you can, but I wouldn't recommend it. I'll be back...

Torchies ebay site: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-Torchy...rElectronics_Batteries_SM&hash=item43c0a378f7

I think some people email him direct to buy, he's very knowledgable and wont sell unsafe batteries.
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I've found a site that sells both Protank 2s, batteries and chargers (vapegear.co.uk)

Flat top or button top batteries? A minefield this is, lol.
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