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EU protest pics


Jul 18, 2012
I've nothing better to do so thought I'd post some pics I'm seeing on twitter
The last one is MEP Marina Yannakoudakis who tweeted it and is presumably supportive!
Someone has said that there appear to be connection issues at their location. Hmmm
Chris Davies not sounding too confident :(
ChrisDaviesMEP: 2/2 I think we will lose the e-cigs vote but can fight on in plenary in Oct. There is momentum on the side of e-cigs. Life savers. #e-cigs
Oh that doesn't sound good. Currently watching the 1 o'clock news on the bbc, hoping the protest would make the news but unfortunately doesn't look like it has. Maybe the 6 o'clock?
Oh that doesn't sound good. Currently watching the 1 o'clock news on the bbc, hoping the protest would make the news but unfortunately doesn't look like it has. Maybe the 6 o'clock?
I have my doubts tbh. Protests about Royal Mail privatisation and abortion a wee bit bigger.
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