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Evening all....


Jun 20, 2013
Hi folks, first post on this forum.

Usual intro thingie.....

20 a day bloke for about 20 years, quitting attempts too numerous to count. Best I ever managed was a couple of days. I tried all the usual nrt things as well as acupuncture and hypnotism.

I've been successfully fag-free for about 3 weeks now since the purchase of my starter kit. Whilst I am still cheerfully addicted to nicotine I no longer have the desire to inhale the smoke from burning dried leaves.


I feel great physically and mentally. I just wish I'd done this earlier. ....

I have lots of new toys to fiddle with, a couple of ego style batteries, a fistful of ce5+'s, two vivi novas and two evods.

My current weapon of choice is a vamo topped with an evod. My aspiration for the immediate future is to manage to get a working coil on my aga w genesis. This is the source of endless frustration.....

Obviously I've splurged a fair amount of cash in the last three weeks but no more than I would have spent on fags and to be honest I would have happily spent ten times that much to get me smoke free.

I'm working my way through some of the more common juices but seem to really like menthol flavours and (strangly) red bull.

Recent developments have me furious. I've signed the petitions and written to both my MEP and MP. They can have my vamo when they prise it from my cold dead hands. Putting profit before health is the worst kind of cynicism.
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