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Experienced Vapers - Have you noticed any health\Lifestyle benefits

I've had pretty much the same benefits as every one else but would add my heart rate has dropped 15/20 beats per minute
Colds are few and far between , not sweating like a rapist after a walk to the shop (2mins down rd) breath better and smell and taste
Health: No longer get migraines. No longer get hangovers (after a night on the beer).

Lifestyle: Saving money, no longer stink, I can vape at work, in my car, watching TV and in bed. No more standing in the rain with the unconverted.
1. Taste improvement, can't do the chicken madras any more, too hot.
2. Smell, i guess that goes hand in hand with taste. I smell smokers now in the way that non smokers always have...Yuk.
3. My chest feels much better, i used to get a tight chest & toward the end of my smoking it got rediculous... All better now.
4. Less out of breath, while vaping is not actually making me healthy & fit, it's not hindering me either.
5. I have found that i am returning to my former-brighter self & am enjoying life more in general, more jolly.
6. I used to get headaches with smoking. The only time it happened with vaping is at the start when i was finding my way but now i have reduced my nicotine level to 11mg (Equivalent to a light cig) I was previously a smoker of roll ups & it was out of control.
7. Smoking gave me bad throats very often & other issues with my mouth & gums. All gone now.
8. After a number of years of smoking i developed a type of eczema which bothered me & wouldn't leave me alone. It's almost completely gone after just one month & i'm convinced that it was smoking which was responsible.
9. I am less worried overall about my health !
10. My partner who has never smoked appreciates my not smoking but say's that the house smells like a sweet shop ! ...Could be worse right ?

I could think of more but anyway...Vaping has helped to change my life for the better & i also have a new focus.
Only down side is poor vision and achey fingers! Or is that from being on here to much!?! lol
Forgot to add to mine..... Smokers outside, now stink to high heaven. And how on earth I used to think I could get away with a crafty fag at work, thinking nobody would notice the smell, is beyond me. I can tell if someone has had a fag, long before they even get close to me LOL
My "Smokers cough" has disappeared after having it for years,(my wife could hear me coming at the end of the street) my fingers are white after being brown with nicotine for years, Sorry to say this, but my snot has gotten "Cleaner" as well, I can climb the stairs to my bed without having to sit on the bed to get my breath back, and another weird one, my fingernails are staying cleaner for longer as they're not dipping into the baccky pouch non stop all day....there's loads of other benefits but these are the more obvious ones..........:)
Noticed a change after the first week, I cud wake up in the morning without coughing my lungs up, I can sing songs and reach notes I haven't been able to since I was 14 years of age. The downside for me, which isn't really I downside is the fact I can taste food better now and I was never a sweetie person but since I quit smoking I can't get enough of desserts lol so I have put on a stone in 5 weeks :( but that's my own fault for over eating as everything tastes so good, but that's my next journey as I'm on the no carb diet so that problem will be sorted in a few months. But over all I feel great, I don't run out of breath etc and even when I have a cold/flu I can still breath unlike when I smoked and I thought I was dieing coz of the phlegm build up, so I'm very happy :)
I just want to say this thread is brilliant. Really inspiring to us (trying to be) ex smokers
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