1. Taste improvement, can't do the chicken madras any more, too hot.
2. Smell, i guess that goes hand in hand with taste. I smell smokers now in the way that non smokers always have...Yuk.
3. My chest feels much better, i used to get a tight chest & toward the end of my smoking it got rediculous... All better now.
4. Less out of breath, while vaping is not actually making me healthy & fit, it's not hindering me either.
5. I have found that i am returning to my former-brighter self & am enjoying life more in general, more jolly.
6. I used to get headaches with smoking. The only time it happened with vaping is at the start when i was finding my way but now i have reduced my nicotine level to 11mg (Equivalent to a light cig) I was previously a smoker of roll ups & it was out of control.
7. Smoking gave me bad throats very often & other issues with my mouth & gums. All gone now.
8. After a number of years of smoking i developed a type of eczema which bothered me & wouldn't leave me alone. It's almost completely gone after just one month & i'm convinced that it was smoking which was responsible.
9. I am less worried overall about my health !
10. My partner who has never smoked appreciates my not smoking but say's that the house smells like a sweet shop ! ...Could be worse right ?
I could think of more but anyway...Vaping has helped to change my life for the better & i also have a new focus.