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Experienced Vapers - Have you noticed any health\Lifestyle benefits

after being a very heavy smoker for many years, I used to go to bed at night wheezing and wake up in the morning coughing. By the end of my first months vaping, both had gone. That is what inspired me to carry on
Pretty much all of the above, plus cleaner bogies :-P

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I'm one of those lazy people. I didn't start running or doing any sports when I quit smoking and started vaping, but even so I have still noticed a difference. Need to run for a train? Not a problem anymore as I recover in seconds rather than minutes!

But by far the most noticeable has been waking up without a massively dry throat and having to clear loads of green gunk out of it at the start of the day.
Hi only a week for me but already taste has improved and breathing is definitely better
I am now able to get Huge Erections!!! Which is Really Weird as I've only got a Very Small Penis!!!:hmm:
most of what everyone has already said really, my biggest though smoking 30 a day, was not coughing up crap every morning. I would add saving on my wallet but those that know me know that would be a lie lol
All of the above- better taste, heightened sense of smell, less breathless, more energy generally.

Other stuff... I used to suffer from intensely cold hands and feet, no doubt brought on by poor circulation from smoking 20-30 roll ups a day for 30 years- now my hands and feet are warm pretty much all the time.

I have also LOST weight since stating vaping- my 'sweet tooth' has deserted me and I no longer feel the need to eat a massive bar of galaxy chocolate every night!

I have also noticed that my 'old injuries' don't give me as much hassle as they used to- having broken my back twice, my neck once, had a frozen shoulder and hip bursitis from various tumbles from horses in the past, I used to be in constant pain.. it may be coincidental, but my pain levels have decreased massively since stopping smoking and starting vaping.
Biggest change for me after about a month was no more coughing my lungs up every morning. Also smell has improved greatly which when you work with sika primer is not always a good thing
In the year I've been vaping I have not had tonsilitis once, whilst smoking rollies for the 4-5 years I did, I would get several cases a year
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