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Facebook and ecig pages


Jul 18, 2012
Not really news because I've heard or seen nothing official but it seems there is a rumour that FB sees ecigs as linked to tobacco supply and has started closing ecig related pages.

Anyone heard anything? I know there are a lot of FB haters but it does provide a lot of free advertising to small vendors not to mention forums like ours so it's bad news all round if true

It was pinkvaper that reported the rumour on FB
I've not heard anything but nothing surprises me, i wish we would stop being put in the same basket as smokers though, that annoys me
I DO hate facebook .. but that is one of my quirks .. I also see the point of it .. and even have to use it for work (possibly one of the reasons I hate it)

It would be a shame to see this happen ... it does prove what a nazi run enviroment it is tho ...
And without notice it seems, thats harsh, vendors are going to lose business because of This, facebook could have gone about it better but then they're making their money so probably don't give a fig
I wonder if they will take down the forum linked pages as well as they are ecig related.
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