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Review Fallstreak Intortus


Jul 14, 2013
Now there is no skipping around this, or crossing the road to avoid it, or turning the other cheek, turning a blind eye, or even taking tea with the parson.....this is ANISEED

I'm the words of the great goth himself, the nostsrodamus of Nottingham, @ZT says.....and I quote

"Aniseed is the work of the devil"

Now, I worship at the alter of @manabush and so I take everything that the great man says to be Gospel.....and throughout my vaping career I have done thus...verily and thou......with the only exception to this rule being Colonel Booms 'BlackPowder' on occasion.....

And so, when the seer of Sheffield @PlumeBlu said he was making another for the fallstreak range, I braced myself, girded my loins, and had a special place set aside at the back of my vape drawer for an extra long 'steep'.....but as (un)luck would have it I picked it up on the way out....sat in the car, and loaded it up into the newly washed tfv4 containing within it, the dual coiled awesomeness of @cloudcuckoo's Clapton....and pulled onto Brooklands Road and took my first toot......

"mmmmm".....I says to wife...."this ain't castelanus" but continued for a mile or two up the road, quite happily tooting away....."be a love sugar-tits, check on the plumeblu website and see what this is for me" which, as any dutiful wife should do, she did without protest ;)

"Aniseed" she says......"really" says i..."yep" she says...."along with pink and white grapefruit and orange and lemon" "It gives a real zesty vape this" says i" "that's exactly what it says on the website darling, I love you so much darling, and I'm so lucky to have you" she says.....

So there you have it....this isn't immediately an Aniseed juice...it's more of an opel fruit, but with bigger bollocks....it's has bags and bags of flavour.....and best of all, this works just as well in a tank as a dripper. This might be in some part thanks to @cloudcuckoo's claptons in the tfv4, but I have to say that I really enjoyed it....as you would expect, in a dripper, if your brave enough, 85 watts in a 0.22ohms 13 heavens will really bring the Aniseed to the fore...and that's no bad thing....as you would expect from a juice maker as skilled as @PlumeBlu This is a taste explosion, and this will challenge you and at times outwitt you....a real tour de force...
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