I made a point of using up the last of my rolling tobacco when I started using a cig-alike, after nearly 40 years of smoking.
I wasn't planning to give up, either - but I wanted to see how much of the dependency could be taken away by the e-cig, and having the tobacco there at my elbow would have compromised the experiment. So I told myself, okay, until further notice, the e-cig is where your nicotine is at, so get used to it.
It worked better than I would have dared to hope; on day three, I had a taste of tobacco smoke again, and I knew I would never smoke again. That was 14 months ago, and I haven't been remotely tempted to smoke since.
Granted, such an extreme course isn't going to work for everyone. I might not have done it that way myself, if I didn't have a bunch of 24-hour shops within five minutes walk, so tobacco was certainly available, if I couldn't get along with vaping. It also helped that from the outset, I preferred vaping - even the cig-alike! - to smoking. I never felt that it was a poor substitute, and quite quickly I stopped thinking of it as any kind of substitute at all.