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Fear of not having tobacco in the house

I have my last three fags in a packet in my beside drawer.

Been there ten months now. Never been remotely tempted
I've had 2 cigs stashed in the junk drawer in the kitchen, 'just to be safe' since I switched about 13 months ago now. About 6 weeks ago I got curious and fancied a couple of drags just to reassure myself I preferred vaping.

I went to get one and the OH informed me he'd smoked them when he got caught short about 8 months ago !
Hello, I am new to vaping and forums. I have been trying out vaping for the last couple of weeks, I bought a starter kit online, it seems like a good ecig well made etc. I do like using it but because I have smoked for 36 years I find myself afraid to live without smoking tobacco. Does anyone else feel this way and how long did it take them to adjust to vaping? :grin2:

I smoked for 20 years. Took me about 2 weeks to get over the tobacco thing. I know it was that long because I remember the day I thought to myself "well I guess I won't need this anymore" and threw my last pouch of baccy in the bin. I kept a little bit "just in case" but never smoked any of it once I switched to vaping.

At several points in my life (usually just after a failed quit attempt) I *never* thought that day would come.

Welcome to the Planet :)
40 years on the roll ups...started vaping and never looked back....had a rollie about a week after I started vaping, It was ok but nothing startling....had another one a few weeks later, didn't finish it.....put the pouch and papers on the shelf and their still there....the baccky must be as dry as a witches tit by now....I haven't bothered to even look at it for months....I'll probably just throw it out now.

In the meantime, I'm now the proud owner of about ten mods and countless tanks/atomisers, and have never felt healthier...:)
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Though I do still smoke a little (dropped from about 17-20 a day to 4-5 from day one & not changed), I do find that I often forget to take my cigs out with me and it doesn't bother me.
Panic stations on the rare occasions I forget to take an ecig out, though

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I felt the same but got rid of them of them after a few days. It'll pass.
It's finding the prefect mod and tank for you and having back up. I was same way with starter kit. Try going into store where you can try it. I haven't had one urge since and for me that's great lol 4 months Good luck Caz

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I made a point of using up the last of my rolling tobacco when I started using a cig-alike, after nearly 40 years of smoking.

I wasn't planning to give up, either - but I wanted to see how much of the dependency could be taken away by the e-cig, and having the tobacco there at my elbow would have compromised the experiment. So I told myself, okay, until further notice, the e-cig is where your nicotine is at, so get used to it.

It worked better than I would have dared to hope; on day three, I had a taste of tobacco smoke again, and I knew I would never smoke again. That was 14 months ago, and I haven't been remotely tempted to smoke since.

Granted, such an extreme course isn't going to work for everyone. I might not have done it that way myself, if I didn't have a bunch of 24-hour shops within five minutes walk, so tobacco was certainly available, if I couldn't get along with vaping. It also helped that from the outset, I preferred vaping - even the cig-alike! - to smoking. I never felt that it was a poor substitute, and quite quickly I stopped thinking of it as any kind of substitute at all.
6 months & I still have my last partially used wrap of baccy sitting on my CD rack, I see it every day but haven't once been tempted. Maybe it's time to move it out of sight, then in another 6 months I may come across it & actually give it away. (if I know anyone who still smokes by then.)

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