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Fear of not having tobacco in the house

Thanks for signing the petition.

I smoked whilst vaping for approx 2 weeks and cut down within that time, then made the switch. I'm on week seven of being cigarette free. There are some tough times ahead, but every one here will support you thro it, vape thro the cravings, they don't last long. I still have a bottle of high nicotine content juice in my cupboard just incase, but have gone from 24mg and am now at 12mg, if you plan on lowering ur nic content, don't do so too quickly.

Along my vaping journey, it has just got better and better.

Congratulations for deciding to make the switch, good luck, and remember we are here if you need us xx

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Yip terrified a cannot stop smoking tobacco. I tried ecigs about 2 years ago but the batteries lasted a few days and the filters lasted about half an hour of hard vaping. I have returned now to see how much ecigs have changed and I am about to find the right one for me and try it again. Here is to hope.
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