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feeling healthier


Aug 16, 2013
Hi was just wondering about a few things, I tried champix a few months ago and was off fag completly for approx 4 weeks and noticed I was not getting out of breath so quickly and just generally healthier. How many of you have noticed this with vaping?
Hi and welcome .. You will find the same stoey over and over .. Vaping just doesnt have that heavy feeling .. we all breathe more easily and are able to do more excersise etc - Its great

PS: did you try to kill anyone while on champix? from what Ive seen the side effects of champix are far worse than the side effects of vaping
Breathing has become much easier. No morning cough. I used to get regular chest infections. Not had one now for three years which happens to coincide with my switch to Vaping.
Within my first month I was able to walk a lot further and no heaving...
I did go from 20/30 stinkies a day to zero overnight, vaping is a miracle for me :grin2:
My sense of taste and smell came back, not that I knew they had gone!! ;)
In general I feel 100% better than I ever did smoking :D

+1 on the champix making you feel suicidal....
I've just come back this week from working onsite at V Festival for 9 days, I do this every year and have done for the past 6 years. This year was my first as a vaper, not a smoker. Traditionally when working on site I smoke LOADS, because a) you're outside all day, and b) there are times when there's not a lot to do. This year was different, because I was in charge of the bit that we do on site and therefore there was loads of running round.

Now usually after doing this for 9 days, in previous years I've come back from V absolutely shredded, and the last three days of the festival are usually horrible and I'm chugging Red Bull to keep my energy up. None of that this year, and I'm putting it down 100% to having packed in the fags. Usually I get tired, out of breath, and generally feel like shit. This year I was bounding all over the place.

The proof of the pudding for me was on Monday. Bear in mind, this is the last day after 8 days on site, getting there at 8am and leaving at midnight for the last five days, and one of our jobs is to fold up and lift the main stage scrims. I can't even begin to explain how massive these things are. They're the things that hang behind the video screen, they're made of plastic audio mesh and they weigh a fucking ton. And there's two of them. Last year when I had to do it I thought I was having a heart attack - this year I didn't even get out of breath. To say the smile on my face about it all was a mile wide would be an understatement.

This is the main stage scrim, the printed red thing, highlighted with the blue rectangle - 549532_607592532595009_940897648_n.jpg
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PS: did you try to kill anyone while on champix? from what Ive seen the side effects of champix are far worse than the side effects of vaping

It's not a direct side effect of vaping but I'd quite like to give Mr Mean a near death experience. ;)
To quote ZT "and are able to do more exercise" I don't think so, that means breaking into a sweat. I'm the same as though. Early morning hacking session is no more, cough very little in general, taste smell, etc etc. And a big bonus, the car don't smell like an old ash tray anymore. Still some smell lingering but no-where near as bad. As some did say before, having a sense of taste isn't always a good thing at dinner time.
Someone I used to work with did Champix, and to use his words he found to be "pretty much a magic bullet". I always thought when I wanted to pack in fags I'd use it because it worked so well for him, now I hear such horror stories about it. I'm so happy I found vaping instead because I never wanted to quit really, and now with vaping not only do I feel like I haven't had to, I've got something that's better!
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