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Finally enjoying my RSST


Mar 16, 2013
I bought an RSST a while ago and although I tried it briefly it was shelved for the Magoo or one of my GreenSound BCC's as it was just outperformed. Anyway I was just tinkering with a few drippers and remembered I had some .4 Kanthal ribbon I had but didnt get on with for other coils. Match made in heaven! 3 coils and a 400 mesh wick is actually now delivering in terms of vapour and flavour (trying out samples for my new Colonel Boom's Juice*)

Proof positive that even those purchases you made in the past that initially you didn't find a use for will eventually find their place in your collection.

Right now it is chuffing away with a nice fruit absinthe, flavour is great, vapour is great and not harsh - I would go as far as saying smooth really, particularly compared to the Mahoo which can sometimes get overpowering.

*Colonel Boom's Bang Bang Juice is in development and will launch shortly once I have tweaked and fine tuned the vape experience. You can see the site here: http://colonelboom.co.uk - register if you like and get updates when we are ready to launch. Bear in mind the website is only just being built now we have flavours sorted so the first four juices will eventually get updated with ingredients and details.
i have tried to get on with my RSST and keep going back to it every now and then and every time i dont get a good result from it. Hot spots a plenty but no decent vape.

I think the hotspots are apearing along the edge of the mesh, i have tried to do the wraps looser and tighter, oxidised and puls method and nothing seems to work for me.
Rexer was struggling as well but then went for the drill method(make coil round drill shank slightly bigger than wick hole, fit to atty ready made) it makes it so easy peasey
try the wick and wire method. Get some cotton wool, make a 2 inch long roll strand, then carbonize your mesh flat then roll the mesh around the wool. add a micro coil and its vape heaven.
also the alt version is to get your carbonized mesh, pull off a bit of cotton wool then gently stroke the top of the mesh where you coil will go over the cotton wool, repeat this around 20 times and you'll build up a fine layer ( like candy floss ) of cotton wool around the top of your mesh, give it a good soak then make your can your coil and again a great vape

image below of my micro coil with the cotton wool centre

Rexer I have tried god knows how mnay builds on this and never been totally happy with it, .20 kanthal, .25, twisted wire, drill bit method etc etc.

The ribbon seems to just have worked wonders - would you like me to pop you a length in an envelope and you can give it a try (free of course)

All I do is flame both sides of the mesh before I coil, make the wick just a little slimmer than the wick hole (not solid - more like a straw) and then the ribbon is nice and easy to wrap. Once you get the coils on you leave it dry and pulse which will usually be hotspot central, I keep going until the wick is almost glowing around the coils - THEN - I move the coils around while fired up, only slightly but this does equalise the coils somewhat.

If you are struggling still it might be worth moving the whole wick about slightly too, only fractionally so it tightens up areas that may be a bit loose. Once its setup it works a treat though.

If you want this wite just drop me a pm with your details and I will post it out to you. 3 coils of it seems to be ideal
Thanks mate but there really is no need to send me free stuff, very kind of you. I think my problem might even be too much wick. I used Todd's method (badly) of 40mm x 35mm. Will try 20x35 in the morning and see how that pans out. Also Todd folded over the edge of the mesh so there is no frays getting on the coil, I feel this is where my hot spots.

Plan is to forget all about genesis atty's as soon as my kayfun clone appears, if I like it then I WILL buy a real one (or a Russian) :)

Thanks again dude
No worries, I wasn't planning on sending you a spool though - just a generous amount to get a couple of coils out and see if the ribbon helps at all :) Offer stands if you want it in either case as theres no point paying for a spool you might not use and its only a few pence to post.

I probably do use the 40x35mm sized square, roll it by first folding the inner edge and then rolling it from there. I don't do anything with the outer edge.

Once I have it relatively sized for the wick hole I just chop the top off at the height of the centre post screw (probably removing 30% of it - doh) and then wind the coil.

I must admit though I have been sat here with the magoo and the RSST all night on two mods and have enjoyed them both equally, where one edges ahead the other catches somewhere else and vice versa. I get more flavour and vapour from the Magoo but it is dual coiled at around 0.9ohm so I would expect this, it also gulps the juice and most of my strong aniseed juices and/or menthols are just over accentuated - I have not had this from the RSST so far.

I do think the silica based wicks are better for flavour though in general.
I did a .28 kanthal twisted coil on my setup. Came out at .5 ohms and is absolutely awesome.
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